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Everything posted by mrcrazybest

  1. hi, im intrested in your gun my number 07595538836 cheers gareth
  2. y the f**k i cant post pitchers on here!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lab


      You need to reduce the size of your pics mate.....upload a photo bucket account if you can....;-)

    3. mrcrazybest


      nice 1.. i will cheers

    4. rob190364


      try posting a putter ;-)

  3. the bet is on!!! bull x vs whippet at day time ferreting bring it on..........

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. paulus


      you might be surprised...lol

    3. Lab


      your right paul....they both might be shite!!!!..lol

    4. mrcrazybest


      and the whippet took first place.... every hole she marked it was a bunny and every 1 bolted she had... happy days

  4. im thinking of useing my whippet on rats, i use her for rabbits and she returned to hand alive. will it effect her in any way useing her for rats
  5. dont be to hard on them. 1 man dogs. i find all my dogs to b very good with hand signals
  6. looking for a cheap ferret finder !!!!!!!!!!!

  7. i have a kc laguna/oakbark whippet 19" 25 pounds works very well day and nite, she also bush!. its the time and effort u put in the dog, keeping it fit, right food, most of all keeping the dog keen.
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