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Everything posted by billhardy

  1. Go he'd crack fecking liaring agai. Hey yeah ha ha ha your a wrong out up there where yaa moved fro. Out a the way crack few more like you on here relocated they call it don't they. Ha. Atb bill
  2. Hha ha ha ya silly fecking crack head Tb bill
  3. Your a dirty fe King nonce you lied k ow need ta show nothing it's on plane sight ta see ha ha ha Tb bill
  4. Load a bollocks gone off line fa being exposed has a liar at. Bill
  5. Da ya reckon that piece of shite be able cech those cows on lol lol Tb bill
  6. Yas a fecking liar catches in ta own trap ha ha ha kbull shitter ha lol Tb bill
  7. Ya not gonna anywhere ya the liaring fecker tad Bern gone ow lying crackhead kat hum it'ss now there fa all ta see cached in your own trap fecking nonce atb Tb bill
  8. I care lityle what you think your just a doubled up cowardly dirty Des pedo CrCk head Tb bill
  9. Ya dirty pedo ause shagger thats a crack head ain't ya gone yet crack head or has the quad ran out a juice Tb bill
  10. Ya seem ta k ow the sayings I never heard off but I know this cra k head once a crack head allays a cra k head Tb bill
  11. Yas the dales leotard dirty ause pedo bandit that on the crack Tb bill
  12. I believe this yas the man with leotard kat hum ya dirty ause and it from the dales that likes a crack pipe ya a pedo crack leotard ause bandit aye yeah crack head got in ya aye it crack s bad ain't it atb bill
  13. Don't think either on ya done any big amounts of real lurcher work put together I can tell ha ha ha atb bill
  14. Don't think Y wanting much from a jukel so ya should be okay both you and rifleman the goat man Tb bill
  15. Seems like ya not getti g much hole either way crack head be up this late go pudf on your pipe Tb bill
  16. Your not much of a bright spark are you no dog an all when yaast had a jukel bright spark ha ha ha was it the Wheaton ya grumbling about Tb bill
  17. Of course I was trying to rehome the man's welp. Don't k ow him from Adam but the welp. Was looking fa good place it stayed where it was apparently but that could be another wuandry later on in there sapli g days could be a fecking nightmare but hey the man seems up. For it even though ti. D will be premium when they nerd it atb bill
  18. I'll run the geriatric or the malli bitch your. Choice or crack head katchum I ai t fussy atb bill
  19. Who said ya got prove em just bring that kelpie xs up here in fifteen twe ty mthss has we say let the dog either do the talking or the walking atb bill
  20. The best jukel you got his part bull socks sal collie grey. Atb bill
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