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wink hound

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Status Updates posted by wink hound

  1. crossed a ferret and turtle to create his favorite thing, a furosious FERTULE

  2. if your struggling for pocket money to fly your ti brides kids over i can sub you for a touch of her sideways lips.

  3. onced tried a pig, but is a sheep man through and through

  4. loves to be around fat southerners

  5. has a very senstive g-spot

  6. the only person that applied to be a life member of Messerpark only to be refused membership due to personal defects and beliefs.

  7. when youve finished with it, may i have ye'hair

  8. the secound hey aaron, i think your being very generous..... most just think hes a bit of a gimp..... he must be to put up with this place!!

  9. hows that Bolty pup coming on? lost intrest a bit?

  10. yet another retained fireman for the vallies!!!

  11. bum fluff, bum fluff, bum fluff!!!

    go breed a beagle/red dog cross!!!!

  12. has your bum stopped hurting yet?

  13. when he whipped it out all i could think to say was, "is it ment to be green?"

  14. is going to get back scuttled very soon

  15. do they have side ways bum holes too darcy?

  16. mexico infact froggit.

  17. scotlands answer to Donny Osmond

  18. used to be a tight f**k... i dont know what went wrong.

  19. get your flatcap Mr Hunt Terrierman..... bunch of c**ts.

  20. he got in the middle of darcy and wilf chain reaction.... has never looked back.... and man action hes your chap

  21. still breeds the famous line of plummer greyhound ferrets.. pm for details.

  22. breeds bichon frise, supplied the one for the Shrek movies

  23. funny your "mams" just been on the phone to me, but for a very diffrent reaosn!!!

  24. got caught in a toilet with darcy and George Micheal, this clever man knew Mr Micheal would take the wrap and give them time to escape via a window

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