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About Shoot

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 03/05/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Northants
  • Interests
    Country sports, cricket, poker, diving
  1. Good enough for me .... ass is off the sofa.. rifle is out the door!
  2. Is it against the law to carry out pest control on a sunday?
  3. I month later and the dogs are now fine.... I guess they just needed to settle and sort the pecking order out. A month ago I saw a thread on here which showed a ford ranger with a gun cabinet/dog kennel fitted in the rear seat area. Does anyone know where I could get one of these?
  4. I think the dogs have settled now... 15 days and they seem as good as gold with each other! Although Sid has settled in more comfortably!
  5. If it is a breeze block wall (and not concrete block) then to drill it I would recommend to drill with the hammer drill action off; and don't apply any pressure the drill will do the work. I would use a stud anchor system, which should provide the maximum pull out resistance. The trouble with expansion bolts in breeze block is that as they expand either the blocks crumble or they split. Concrete blocks have the tactile strength to resist splitting and therefore are much more suited to expansion bolts. A resin anchored bolt offers no force to the block as it sets, but bonds to the block a
  6. Thanks for all your great and informative replies,albeit they have gone off track a bit from the purpose of the thread. I am familiar with the law and have added the gun to my license, I am however curious if anyone could put a value on the gun as I never intended to keep it and fully intend to sell it on behalf of my former cutomer
  7. No it's not on a license but it will be, all I have to do is simply add it to my license with an accompanying letter explaining it's history.
  8. we've had 10" since yesterday, stopped snowing at the moment with potential clear skies tonight. So I think tonights the night!
  9. Dogs 4 U... I thought there was something shady about him!
  10. Whilst I carried out an extension for a customer last year they redicovered their grandfathers shotgun. I now have it in my care and would like to understand it's history and value. It is a twin trigger 12 bore side by side. It has damascus barrells and twin hammers. The makers name is T & W Harrison Carlisle. That's all I know! I would be grateful if anyone can shed some light on the makers history, explain the stamps on the barrell or suggest it's value.
  11. Ain't that the downside to country sports! ... putting up with the scenery!
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