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Posts posted by alimac

  1. With a friend moving over to Oman, a invite landed at my door for a trip back north to Aberdeenshire, for a mixed driven day. As I keepered up there for ni on 10 years & the gun had accumulated 2 years of dust, I was itching for the day to arrive.

    The Friday came & I was met by all those familiar faces at the bothie, the craic was like I'd only been away for a day :-) , I gave the beaters my bottle for the day, a quick final piss take & they were off.

    The first drive saw me on peg 8, shooting as a back gun, knowing the shoot, I knew I'd still be kept busy, sure enough they arrived as expected, first a woodcock, which gladly fell at the first, a brace and a half of cocks & partridge followed, once the drive finished i was happy when I looked at the spent shells on the floor, I didn't feel the need to hurriedly stuff them in my pockets before anyone could do the maths of cartridge to kill ratio :-)

    The 2nd drive I was on peg 1, guns were lined down a gully with a pen in the wood at the bottom & big blocks of cover crop, infront & behind. As I got to my peg I soon had a brace of easy pheasants that tried to flit back as they blanked the wood out. Soon the crop was producing a stead flow of birds, coming out around no4 and swinging down the line toward me, I knew the lads on 2&3 so knew I'd still be left a few ;-) some great eye wipes followed, hearing the keeper saying. "Thank fu ck for number 1 as it crackled over a pickers up radio, made me a happy man, great sport, great company & could seam to go wrong with shooting :-) what more could you want.

    The third drive I was out of it a bit, but couldn't complain, I watched the lads happily banging away.

    The thought of & effects of lunch did me no favours on drives 4 & 5, as I went completely to pot, couldnt hit feck all, which as you can imagine brought some good banter my way, I'd given plenty out earlier so I gladly took the torrent of abuse that was hurled my way , hahaha

    The final drive saw me back gun again, I had free rein of the track that ran parallel to the gun line, I took myself away down to follow the beaters as they brought the clear fell face across into a plantation, I dropped a lucky (or unlucky) doo at the start, then had a brace of pheasants interspersed with missing 7 or 8 , once the drive reached the plantation, I just couldnt for the life of me, put myself in the right spot, I went no 6, birds went no2, I went no2 they went no6, sure you've all been there?? either that or I'm just a wanker that can't keep still when given "a right to roam peg"

    After the usual after shoot food etc I didn't get away till gone 9pm, landing home at 2am,

    Alarm set for 5am, great!! But can't complain as it was for a day hunting,, but that's another story, well not really scent was crap, lol

    • Like 9
  2. Life's to short mate, if you don't enjoy working away then pack it in. You live by your means no matter the wage your on. Iv always lived by "I work to live, not live to work"

    Well said cbdogs, same as me , wouldn't change it for the world..

    • Like 1


    Give the deluded twats a taste of there own tactics get photos and send them to anti watch

    Is the law different down South ,on this ? I had to take a caution, for Alledgelly taking an Image on a mobile device or similar ,to the Fear and indangerment of an individual ?of one of my stalkers who had previously taken my Image ,which I failed to report ..So didn't count in my defence ...Shouldn't really be on here ,but HeY Ho ! :bye:
    really never knew that one thanks dixie
    We've used that one a few times when I worked up there, works a treat. ( if I knew it was you Dixie I'd have retracted it ;-p)

    Wirral I agree with a lot of what you say on this site, but to state "spaniels have there place, but hunting rough cover isn't one of them" is quite simply ni on the biggest load of cock splat Iv read on here, ever !! It even beat the comment that terriers were more handleable than a spaniel, lol lolLets be honest cover the size of whats being talked about where terriers have the edge, because of there size, is very rarely hunted with much success when bushing, unless there's a pack of them working it, it's simply too big a area for one or two to put enough pressure on the quarry to make it leave.

    I'm just back in from whacking a few rats on a local farm thought I'd catch up, Alimac, my terriers are as biddable as any gundog especially at pushing any sort of cover, they do catch more than I like if that's a fault but they spend 7 days a week all year round doing so, I would put my pack up against any other in this country safe in the knowledge that they wouldn't let me down, I hunt up in Scotland on my mates estate who's a headkeeper in Perthshire and then go further north to a mate in Wick before coming back down the west coast to stay in Drumnadrockit, Invernesshire, if your anywhere near these I'll be glad to show you how they do, oh and by the way I ran 1 terrier for 10 years and caught plenty with him so you don't need a pack for successful bushing, WM
    You seam to think I'm knocking your dogs? Or how that you say your our bushing & bolting every day of the year :-p I'm not

    I just think your sentence I quoted about spaniels is way way off the mark. A single Spaniel or terrier in a couple of acres of solid bramble would be like waiting on a big terrier digging on in a tight spot just because its got the heart to get there.

  5. Wirral I agree with a lot of what you say on this site, but to state "spaniels have there place, but hunting rough cover isn't one of them" is quite simply ni on the biggest load of cock splat Iv read on here, ever !! It even beat the comment that terriers were more handleable than a spaniel, lol lol

    Lets be honest cover the size of whats being talked about where terriers have the edge, because of there size, is very rarely hunted with much success when bushing, unless there's a pack of them working it, it's simply too big a area for one or two to put enough pressure on the quarry to make it leave.

  6. What a load of wank, f ucking grown men bickering on like kids & why?? My guess is its because you all give a shit what a stranger thinks or says. Here's a suggestion , instead of fighting each other, go into the corner and give yourselfs a good slap.. It's pathetic & makes you look like cocks :-)

    That's unless Iv missed something in the middle 50 pages, lol

    • Like 1
  7. Sounds like you've only ever been out with poor terriers, my plummers/russells have as much brain and are every bit as controllable as any spaniel I've been out with, my mate is a professional gun dog trainer and spends half his day sorting out manic spaniels that eat the house up, I bush every day and its not by chance that after working dogs for over 45yrs that I keep the dogs I do, atb,


    iv never known any decent gundog trainer that spends half there time sorting dogs that eat the house up. Lol, Sounds like you've only been out with poor spaniels ;-)

    • Like 4
  8. Wish my old pal took all the advise onboard. He thought it was all a big joke, sadly he paid the ultimate price in finding out it wasn't .. Sure it was type 2 he had but not certain. Look after yourselves chaps...

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  9. I've never been at a hole watching? The terrier man keep it to them selves! That's why i asked the question because I didn't no... I would of asked them if I was close enough to them to ask! This forum is for people to learn and discuss hobbies/passions. Thanks again to those that gave sensible answers. It's not like I'm asking to see your dogs smashed up or on illegal quarry, so was a completely legitimate question to aak

    Well here's a completely legitimate answer...

    As hunting foxes is illegal, hunts will not hunt nor bolt foxes.. It's as plain and simple as that really, better off asking how keepers & pest controllers do it ;-)

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    I don't have a problem with horses..... R.I.P little one, and so close after Christmas too. :cray:

    neither do i , there is near 20 TBs here ranging from foals to 10 yr olds and im around them everyday but i still wouldnt trust them .. that vid BPR put up nearly happened to me , i was trying to encourage a foal to walk on a lead rope , tell you now i shit myself when i seen hoofs :laugh:
    Lucky your not normal height or it would've been square in the puss, instead of a foot over......
    When I was at the fife, a lad tripped over behind the huntsmans new horse at the meet, throwing a silver tray at its arse, he got double barrelled, in the chest neck face, he didn't get up quite as quick as the lad in the video, can laugh about it now, but at the time I thought we'd be putting a sheet over him..

    If they were man made they would have been discontinued long ago, lol

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