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Posts posted by alimac

  1. So there's a photo of him getting helium (a so called legal high) from a ballon on a night out. what the big deal?? Or am I missing something?? Its not as of its a photo of him snorting m-cat ... The good old British making a mountain out a mole poop.

  2. Mayweather will skip around him and avoid being caught then beat Alverez on points like he has everyone else.

    Either way il eat my hat if it goes to a points desision.


    I'd agree keepdiggin but even the best can get beat, I'm not bothered who wins either way , but it will be a good watch.

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  3. I'm not that bothered about having the very best tbh,I fancy a lab or x one day.Just seem nice easy dogs to get on with and that you can relax around,no worries about it running off,or going to ground or seeing another dog and wanting to kick off etc.
    Lol, if your wanting a dog that doesn't kick off don't get a lab , every shoot Iv been on, the spaniels sit quiet under the benches while the labs strutt about trying to fight there shadow..
    You reckon they compare to terriers?[/




    I'm not that bothered about having the very best tbh,I fancy a lab or x one day.Just seem nice easy dogs to get on with and that you can relax around,no worries about it running off,or going to ground or seeing another dog and wanting to kick off etc.
    Lol, if your wanting a dog that doesn't kick off don't get a lab , every shoot Iv been on, the spaniels sit quiet under the benches while the labs strutt about trying to fight there shadow..
    Haha.....f*****g rich that from a terrier man... Pmsl

    Hahaha, they have focused aggression unlike them thug like labs:-) I feed my 7 together & at worst you'll hear a wee grumble. Maybe it's just lab owners ;-p

  4. Do me a favour, if you have a 4work or similar with out a load liner, have a look under the top lip that runs between the cab and the tail gate & see how sharp the edging is(be fecking carefull)

    Works just bought a 13plate, I'd been away picking up hanging baskets for our puppy show & when untying the rope from the tie hoops, I brushed the under side of the lip, which resulted in a trip to a&e then to a different hospital to see the plastic surgeon who re attatched the nerves etc in my finger (still can't pick ma nose properly & that was 2 month ago)

    Just wondering if there all sharp as fu ck or if its a one off, Mitsubishi are taking it seriously, they flew a bloke from Japan to meet me & do a 4 hour photo shoot on the pick up bed.

  5. I'm not that bothered about having the very best tbh,I fancy a lab or x one day.Just seem nice easy dogs to get on with and that you can relax around,no worries about it running off,or going to ground or seeing another dog and wanting to kick off etc.

    Lol, if your wanting a dog that doesn't kick off don't get a lab , every shoot Iv been on, the spaniels sit quiet under the benches while the labs strutt about trying to fight there shadow..

  6. Cost is allways the main factor when buying anything and lets face facts when its a hobby we tend to make do , but people have mentioned the locks LIFE TIME GUARANTEE!!!!!!!! , sweating came up to. Well ive had them for years now and never had that problem , Ive got a checker plate now that sweats but i get around that by venterlation just to heavy though , You can not please every one all the time they work for me and several pro terrier men / gamekeepers , Sheep farmers ,

    "Several "PRO" terriermen" Lol lol lol lol lol classic

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    :angel: ...I have to be seen to be a law abiding citizen :D .... Adult birds... :victory: ...but young short tailed running poults :huh:

    Nah I'm joking....my dog would never lift a poult and never on land he didn't have permission on..... :thumbs:

    Seams your dogs got more respect for the countryside & those that work in it that you have ;-) Its not a case of who does or doesn't own it once its out the pen its about a mans livelihood..

  8. apparently its not the normal cough this year, more virilent strain, not heard a lot about it.

    Luckily we've avoided it but seen a few pics from southern packs and its the worst Iv even seen, 2 packs have lost hounds from what Iv heard :-(

    I was alway led to believe it was only transmitted by contact & not airborne?

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