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Posts posted by alimac

  1. i was using a flip up filter,which to be honest,although its easy to use with one hand,i found that it seems to leak light out around the edges,which kind of defeats the purpose,and i broke it at the end of last season,im going to get another filter,so my question is,for about the same money i can get the pop in filters(3 colours i think)are these noiser to use,and more of a piss about,or should i just get another flip up?

    cheers in advance Skinnyrat



    moved from a flip up to the pop ons, personally i would stick with what you got, shaved 4 of the 6 grippin teeth that holds the filter on and still its noisey to remove and a pain to carry when not in use :censored: happy huntin

  2. For f**k sake, i can't have my own opinion without people saying im jealous and stuff like that, as i said the pictures are really good just the third one looked a bit odd, now you put up the original up it looks a lot better. You can say what you want about me been jealous, but i know what i am and not. so thanks anyway lads

    staffy-1 :censored:


    ok so i might of been a little touchy, i take alot of pride in my dogs/huntin as im sure do alot of you out there, in this day and age of political correctness we should be stickin together rather than sniping at each other, i appriciate you said no offence intended & that you were not the only one to have doubts over the third picture that was posted originally... :victory:;)


    lurcher2006... she is real good on the rabbits, not saying she is the best around but she holds her own def one of the better first x bulls i have watched work the rabbits, just run them to keep the dogs sharp/fit really, (mollys night out loked good eh :clapper: )


    jock m.. yep pictures of my lampin muckers dogs next, def on for the 21st, looking forward to it.


    to you all... good to see my first post has got such interest, off out now as im sure alot of you already are.. HAPPY HUNTING ;):drink: alimac

  3. you calmed down yet mate,dont take things to heart on here hows them other pics coming along any luck


    gettin there jock lad... the person who takes my photos wants to put some sort of protection on them [bANNED TEXT] i post any more of them on the net... wonder if the next ones cause a similar reaction in the forum???????

  4. can you give us a little run down of what happened mate ? how they found which dog caught how it coursed time of day ect ?

    just curious i like to get the whole picture in my mind :)


    good photos btw




    used to do alot of bushin in days gone by, the pictures are on a estate where my pal was the keeper, i had put myself between the plantin we were doin and a big larch wood, it was always a grand spot for it to brake, the little black bitch caught it, her first, the brindle dog was off pace that day, wasnt at the races at all. a good day had by all

  5. Good pics and that countryside looks superb for that sort of hunting. ;)


    :11: Hairyface it put me in a trance enough to make ya mouth water :yes:


    Alright i may have taken a few of these comments to heart...... if i cant even put my welcome note up with a attatchment how the f**k do you think i can doctor a photo.... If it gets to you that much send me a pm and you can see the other 5 or 6 shots of the same chace. or how about keepin a eye open 4 my next entry..( prob tonight).... I have heard of many people being jelous of dogs but never pictures..

    wise up eh ..... cheers hbg

    Why did you quote that reply to me? :blink:

    sorry dodger, im not to good on the buttons, no offence intended, nothin to do with what you writ :icon_redface: alimac

    dodger, got ur pm but can not return, is your in box full? :hmm::drink:

  6. Good pics and that countryside looks superb for that sort of hunting. ;)


    :11: Hairyface it put me in a trance enough to make ya mouth water :yes:


    Alright i may have taken a few of these comments to heart...... if i cant even put my welcome note up with a attatchment how the f**k do you think i can doctor a photo.... If it gets to you that much send me a pm and you can see the other 5 or 6 shots of the same chace. or how about keepin a eye open 4 my next entry..( prob tonight).... I have heard of many people being jelous of dogs but never pictures..

    wise up eh ..... cheers hbg

    Why did you quote that reply to me? :blink:

    sorry dodger, im not to good on the buttons, no offence intended, nothin to do with what you writ :icon_redface: alimac

  7. Good pics and that countryside looks superb for that sort of hunting. ;)


    :11: Hairyface it put me in a trance enough to make ya mouth water :yes:


    Alright i may have taken a few of these comments to heart...... if i cant even put my welcome note up with a attatchment how the f**k do you think i can doctor a photo.... If it gets to you that much send me a pm and you can see the other 5 or 6 shots of the same chace. or how about keepin a eye open 4 my next entry..( prob tonight).... I have heard of many people being jelous of dogs but never pictures..

    wise up eh ..... cheers hbg

  8. A new member tryin to post pics

    right he's struggling a bit so i said i would help(he's only just learned to read :D )here's the pics of his dog's they were taken a few years ago when things are'nt how they are now,what a shame this site wont be seen no more :( good pics by the way mate :clapper:


    ps i bred the black one :tongue2:

    Cheers hbg, the bitch is a cracking wee thing, will try and post you all a few more from days gone by once I get a few more lessons fa hbg. enjoy :drink:

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