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Everything posted by SMART DOG

  1. It's bloody 2017 get rid of the oil and get a air source heating system set up with a elec or lpg back up boiler
  2. she basically just out of years of saluki/grey x saluki/grey breeding her. She is 25tts
  3. My bitch Dora saluki/greyhound as fast as any other lurcher but uses her gears to control her quarry
  4. its ok having the fastest dog in the world but the dog needs to no how to use the gears and bend lets face it if it was all about speed we would all run greyhounds. If a dog don't have a running brain they not much cop end up upside down smashed up. You need a fast dog that can run slow what applies speed when needed
  5. Bitch I'm wanting to put a pointer cross to
  6. I'm based north east but the right dog can be anywhere in the country so travel would not be an issue
  7. I'm looking for a pointer x greyhound stud dog
  8. she wasnt a world beater but she was a honest bitch had to retire her at 4 with damaged hock
  9. this is my bitch outta Milo at 8 year old
  10. Milo throws big bitches i got a old bitch out of him 27 1/2" tts
  11. very good blood has she had the pups to the splodge x dog
  12. Yes she was a good bitch there was a few decent 1s in her litter
  13. Candy is Fettle x KT bill out of fh Charlie x bitch outta Wilbur's star
  14. 12 month old now really taking shape
  15. 1 dog pup up for sale he was my pick of the litter i was going to keep a dog and a bitch but wont have the time for 2 they ready to leave now white feathered pup big healthy pup
  16. and its to get in final of permo cup so final and semi together ...... get to it the BOG
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