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Posts posted by RicW

  1. Just a thought but I wonder if introducing National Service for 18 to 20 years olds and for new entrants to our country would solve a few of our problems. We would have more troops and less immigration. Just a thought.

    My father enlisted in the RAF on Sept 11 1939, despite being, at 26, 6 years over conscription age. He served with 55 Squadron until it was broken up in 1946. He was implacably opposed to conscription. As has been said already, the last guy you want fighting alongside you is some clown who has been dragged in like it or not. :nono: Compo's idea about non-military service has merit, but just think about the infrastructure costs. Takes a year to train these guys then you get a year's reluctant work out of them having tied up half your professionals in training duties. :hmm:



    Offer 'em to taxidermist. If you don't like his price tell him to get stuffed.

  3. Just a thought but I wonder if introducing National Service for 18 to 20 years olds and for new entrants to our country would solve a few of our problems. We would have more troops and less immigration. Just a thought.

    Er . . .Why would the Army want recruits who can't even speak English?

  4. The last stage today then and the Brits have done well, 4th for Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish could win today's stage?


    Has anyone else followed it?


    this is worth a look http://www.livestrong.com/

    Wiggins' performance is the best ever by a Brit and if Cavendish wins his stage today - as he should - that'll be a record as well. European cyclists now say thay a sprint without Cavendish isn't worth winning!


    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapper::clapper::clapper:

    Just caught Cavendish's win. Boy done good!

  5. A pub landlord is shutting up for the night when there is a knock at the door. When he answers, a Tramp asks him for a toothpick. He gives him the toothpick and the tramp leaves.


    A few minutes later there is a second knock. When he answers, there is a second Tramp who also asks for a toothpick. He gets his toothpick and off he goes.


    There is a third knock at the door, and a third Tramp. The landlord says, "Don't tell me, you want a toothpick too."


    "No, a straw," says the Tramp.


    The landlord gives him a straw but is curious as to why he wants it, so he asks the Tramp why he wants a straw and not a toothpick.


    To which the Tramp replies, "Some bloke just threw up outside but all the good stuff's gone already".

    Sick joke or what


  6. You would think the land owners, would be glad of other people keeping the rabbit population down!!! :blink:

    Under the Pest Act of 1954 all landowners have a legal duty to control rabbit numbers on their land. Grass the old bitch up to the fuzz!




    you need to check the law out mate, that was revoked last year....




    as for her not letting you run your dog there :hmm: why the hell should she, its her land, maybe your not the first person to have asked that question, and others have had the same reply, and then gone there anyway, may be a good reason why permission was refussed,

    I think you'll find the Pest Act still applies. But you are a professional here so I won't argue. I just get peed off with people who l-u-u-rv ickle bunny-wunnies and don't realise just what damage they can do. Take your point about it's her land though. Hang loose bro!


  7. You would think the land owners, would be glad of other people keeping the rabbit population down!!! :blink:

    Under the Pest Act of 1954 all landowners have a legal duty to control rabbit numbers on their land. Grass the old bitch up to the fuzz!


  8. well the license come yesterday :clapper: So the boys wasted no time in going out today and bought a new gun :blink:

    You're going to have to lay down the law about taking turns. Tell the lads that they have to hand over if they miss. Sharpen up their shooting no end! :protest:

  9. You still haven't denied the offences for which you were charged and convicted.


    And I'm neither a retired policeman nor a member of the RSPB.


    And what is an 'LLB HONS' when it's at home?

    See my last post! Lousy Lying Bast**d fits tho. . .



    I am genuinely shocked that a person who claims such a qualification has such poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.

    I'd be shocked if I believed that he holds any such qualification. I could claim to be the hereditary Emperor of China. Proves nowt. I'm starting to think that he shouldn't have been sentenced to prison though. He's clearly as mad as a snake. Should be banged up in Broadmoor with the rest of the loonies. Take him out for walkies on a lead once a day.

    :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

  10. Give up for feck's sake Derek you've got an invitation either take it or shut up!!!!!!!! if your a gen up guy most of the lads on here would support you!! in the meantime all you appear to be is a right "TWAT"


    How many forums have you pasted shit on? this site is far better than that!! unfortunately the Mod's have'nt cotton'ed on too you yet!!





    It sounds more like a bully boy threat to me moreover I have supplied the DNA evidence tell me where it is wrong.

    Let's wait until the court decides the value of your so-called "DNA evidence" shall we? You were caught with stolen peregrine falcon chicks in your car; you were planning to sell the chicks to people who believed that they were born to legally captive adult birds. Since you hold the highest possible academic qualification in law you can hardly claim ignorance as an excuse. Just why a man who has a "Legum Baccalaureus" with honours should choose to work as a warehouseman rather than a barrister is a matter for you to explain.


  11. Has any one seen the new Harry potter film? I thought the story was too far fetched. I mean, I can buy the fact that magic exists, Maybe even unicorns, But have you ever seen a ginger kid with 2 mates????

    That's a norful joke. Go and stand in the naughty corner. With your back to the wall!

  12. Coursing fields?


    I knew a bloke once who built his house in a small cul-de-sac with a few other self builders. He showed his plans to one of the neighbours, and the neighbour changed his plans to match! :o The guy was rightly pissed off, and named his house, 'Déjà vu!' :laugh:

    Talking of lurchers . . .A mate of mine had a great rabbit chaser. Cross bred Collie/Irish Wolfhound/Greyhound. Called him Benson cos he kept running into Hedges.


    And NO I will not apologise!!!

  13. Well friends of the ex-copper forced to resign for sexual harassment anyone would think that you did not want the Police to investigate the RSPB, however I do sometimes wonder why if I was so bad and the RSPB did not pervert the course of justice then what do RSPB sympathiser like you have to worry about if there is an investigation into the RSPB by the police? Yes of course the truth might not sit too well with you if it came out. That is why I have not been sued for what I am saying as I have the shield of truth. For example Guy Shorrock lied at my court case, withheld evidence and perverted the course of justice. If this is not true then I should be sued via the RSPB millions.


    Attack me as much as you want it just make me laugh however why should the RSPB not be investigated for their crimes like normal people? As I challenged Rat Boy read the DNA evidence that I have supplied and tell me where I am wrong or lying, but no you are not clever enough to do that therefore you resort to being a school yard bully who cannot not achieve on a mental level so you resorts to bad language and statements that prove nothing other than the fact you cannot put a reasoned argument together therefore you hide behind bogus names, however that is your right no matter how pathetic that is to some. So do what you want but do not forget to keep your RSPB membership up. I have to admit the RSPB do a good magazine with lovely pictures and not much writing which should be perfect for you [RSPB members and ex coppers].







    You can tell the schools are on holiday. The RSPB said cuckoo bottom feeders are getting rare but there seems to be a few on here.

  14. bit of a random question really,looking for a name for our 4 bed semi,something to do with lurchers ,country life etc any ideas

    "The Lurches". Most folk will think you can't spell larches!

    Ric :D

  15. my online haters wont beleave this but in the real wold im quite a helpful kind of guy, i help old ladies across the road and the other day a old lady broke down on her wee mobility scooter thingy. people were just walking past her as she was sobbing her heart out. i calmed her down and pushed her and her scooter to her sons house. it wasn't easy believe me but i didn't think twice because its the way my amazing mother brought me up. i was just out with the dogs there and i spotted a boy walking towards me. he was shaking and covered in mud. i sat him down give him a drink and a fag. he said he had a fit and was epileptic. i sat there with him for a bit and he finished my water and seem to come around a bit so i walked him home just in case it happened again. i took im to his door and his mrs come out shout at him. she said "you been on the kit again look at the state of you. she pulled his sleeve up and he was covered in marks. i felt like a right dick and just walked away. i thought i was doing the right thing, i didnt know i was helping a smack head. did i do the right thing or should i of just left him

    You did absolutely right. Look at it t'other way round. If you'd walked away and left him and it turned out he really was epileptic, had a second fit this time gran mal and died how would you be feeling now?

    Ric :thumbs:

  16. Well friends of the ex-copper forced to resign for sexual harassment anyone would think that you did not want the Police to investigate the RSPB, however I do sometimes wonder why if I was so bad and the RSPB did not pervert the course of justice then what do RSPB sympathiser like you have to worry about if there is an investigation into the RSPB by the police? Yes of course the truth might not sit too well with you if it came out. That is why I have not been sued for what I am saying as I have the shield of truth. For example Guy Shorrock lied at my court case, withheld evidence and perverted the course of justice. If this is not true then I should be sued via the RSPB millions.


    Attack me as much as you want it just make me laugh however why should the RSPB not be investigated for their crimes like normal people? As I challenged Rat Boy read the DNA evidence that I have supplied and tell me where I am wrong or lying, but no you are not clever enough to do that therefore you resort to being a school yard bully who cannot not achieve on a mental level so you resorts to bad language and statements that prove nothing other than the fact you cannot put a reasoned argument together therefore you hide behind bogus names, however that is your right no matter how pathetic that is to some. So do what you want but do not forget to keep your RSPB membership up. I have to admit the RSPB do a good magazine with lovely pictures and not much writing which should be perfect for you [RSPB members and ex coppers].


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