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Status Updates posted by DIDO.1

  1. snapped a tooth- shit-hate dentists

    1. Lab


      They vibrators you get nowadays are powerful fuckers!!

    2. PIL
    3. DIDO.1


      yeah you can have it back.


  2. if anyone in the north of england has or knows someone with a honda goldwing can you please let me know as i need a lift with a last request. cheers, ian

    1. paulus


      hope you find someone

  3. if anyone in the north of england has or knows someone with a honda goldwing can you please let me know as i need a lift with a last request. cheers, ian

  4. if you hav someone in your life you love tell them every day cos u never know when they will be gone for good.

    1. Lab


      Very true statement that......

    2. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      so true that statement

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