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Posts posted by Kay

  1. Do you take photos for a living then :) ? i must admit if i had the chance i would love to take some photos and enter then in a competition but what i do take usually end up deleted as they are usually blurred :laugh: but i have a go , i know there is an artist in this body somewhere :laugh: i have yet to find it

  2. Vets can no longer charge you for writing out a script, you can get it on line if its a pom providing you have the script, if the stuff you need is otc then just shop around


    Hope this helps, if the vet said you have to pay for a script then report them if it was recently :no: becuase its not right you should be charged for one


    So i wonder how many people get conned into paying for a consultation when there animal is on some sort of on going medication, say for arthritus or something when all they need is a monthly supply, i wouldnt put up with that & if that were the case i would seek out the meds elsewhere :censored:

  3. Well i am surrounded by fields but never seen a rabbit in 20 yrs of living here , watched a fox monday night out of the bedroom window scavenging some food from a bin bag on the front that was out for collection tuesday morning


    We see foxes & squirells regular & red deer but no rabbits, to see the deer is heaven especially early morning :)

  4. :)

    Last time i looked Ian, badgers were'nt part of the mustelid family :laugh:


    I wasnt too sure about pine martins, coming from down south ive never realy took much interest in them.


    Does anyone know why delayed implantation goes on?

    It has got to be something to with food availablity, animals that use this method of reproduction are able to reabsorb the embryos if there isnt enough food about.

    But what i dont understand, is in the case of stoats, kits which are born in spring at the same time as the emergence of young bunnies and that genrally means an abundance of food about, why go through the hassle of carrying the young over the winter months?


    Just seems a bit strange to me :tongue2:


    It is strange but as i have never kept my ferrets in the house they come in & out of season naturally, but i do think the conditions have to be right for animals to become pregnant , so maybe natures trying to tell us summat :)

  5. I agree its a tad early to be giving birth but i suppose its a warning to others not to assume last yrs jills wont come into season untill this year & its maybe best to remove any entire hobs by Novemeber at the latest :cry:


    :icon_eek: F*cking hell!


    I believe some mustalids can do the old 'Delayed Implantation' trick? But I've personally never heard of it in ferrets?


    I wonder what went on there? Hob kept his nuts longer, due to some quirk ~ maybe in the photo period he was exposed to? I'm only hazarding guesses here as I really haven't a clue! Certainly never heard of this before.


    Has the world gone completely mad? Or has anyone a casual explanation for this? Be fasinated to hear more, if anyone out there Does know. Thanks for sharing! :good:


    I know lots of people keep ferrets indoors so would expect there ferrets to come into season earlier than ferrets kept outdoors and being subject to normal daylight & dark hours , but if the ferrets in question were kept outdoors then i cant think of an explanation as to why a jill kit should cop for a litter last november, but your point about delayed implantation is interesting, i think i will go and see if i can find anything on the net about that being a possibility. :)

  6. if you cant get any rabbit yet get some chicken wings, from somewhere like tesco, i buy trays for less than 2 quid that last a week, i just put 2 in a bag & freeze them, then get them out every morning & put them in the fridge untill they have defrostd.


    If you want to feed some dry as well i would opt of a ferret food rater than a cat one, the cheapo cat foods are made with soya protein, the better ones are meat protein based but will cost more than ferret kibble, so if you have a decent pet place i would go there for the dry food :)

  7. I had to put an extention cable in the shed last summer as the ferrets were to hot & i had a fan on for them & i also found it usefull when my husband was getting on my wick i would go down there with a cup of tea & sit in there on me deck chair watching the ferrets with the lamp on :laugh:

  8. :D Actually, FL, that allusion to the Aleution's was just me being clever with myself. No one else in the world is likely to read that and 'get it'.


    Fact is, an american trap making company, Blake and Lamb, once produced some traps which they aimed to market to and named after the Aleution Islands. In view of the snow covered terrain there, they painted them in snow cammo: Black on white :good:


    Well i did walk into that one :clapper: i am the person who gets sent for a long weight :laugh:

  9. [The Silver and the BEW genes are both the same, the silver is how this ferret started off and in his next year he was DEW or BEW]


    ;) heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.Explain this in finer detail mate .I'm no stranger to genetics but this leaves me bewildered :blink:

    The genes of whites and polecats are different.The bew is closer to the white albino than the polecat ferret and the silver has polecat blueprint ,just different colour.


    I to am no stranger to genetics and from a line of pure bred albinos all you will get are albinos, where as if the eye colour of black or burgundy are present the white masks the colour of the coat.


    By using two pure lines one albino and the other polecat all you will get are albino and polecat, this is not taking into account ressive and dominant genes


    Change the albino line with the pink eye to black or burgundy eyed white and you will at some point create silvers.



    Try this link to find out about the eye colour of ferrets and after all the years at Uni my knowledge must count for something



    I take it you didnt study genetics at Uni :whistle:

  10. fitch is what they call farmed ferret fur mate.....makes a nice coat :icon_eek:


    So fitch isnt the general term used for the coat of a ferret, only if its farmed for the coat, thats interesting :D thanks :yes:



    Classic shot from Crow, there! :laugh: Is that one of the lost and fabled " Aleutian Island " ferrets, mate? ;)



    Ferretlove; Define " Fitch "! The author of " Tarka the Otter " (Name lost to me :( ), a Devonshire man, stated a 'Fitch' was a stoat. A " Vair " (?), a weasle. Almost dialectic terms, it would seem?


    I grew up learning that a " Fitch Ferret " was what most would know as a " Sandy " - one of three, recognised colour variants of ferret, in those days.


    I later came to know a Mink Farmer who spoke of " Fitch " as quite other things ~ none of them stoat. I believe the Fur Trade sees 'Fitch' as domesticated / farm bred Polecat?



    Here we go again; Yet Another invitation to discussion! No? :D


    Locally polecat coloured ferrets are known as fitch , and whats '' Aleutian island '' ferrets , i have heard of Aleutians disease which i think effect mink , :)




    nice one :clapper:



    :clapper:Excellent Result! Thankyou, Bulls!


    So that sorts That out then; Failing memories of something once glimpsed ~ 'Albino' or otherwise ferrets? It was, in fact, as ye say, an artistic mish mash! Brilliant! :D


    So some one worked in how they imagined an " Ermine " (White, winter coated stoat) must have looked, eh?


    Now, I wonder: Kings and Queens of England tended to be based around London, at that time. Stoats that end rarely develope the full white with the black tipped tail. Bit like my own Mole Skin waistcoat was actually made of moles from Aberdeen - where they grew a thicker velvet.


    I wonder then if this Tradition of trimming english Royalty in ermine comes from 'up north'? Ermine was obviously highly valued in those days. But did it come as a first gift from some historical, (Scottish?) King? Or What?


    Anyone care to further our lost understanding of this issue ....?


    I wondered if fitch was used by the people who made the nobilitys clothes, if ermine was only white in the winter & henry wanted a new top,in the summer :laugh: who would argue with him maybe albino ferrets were used as a substitute to ermine or maybe the minor royals used fitch

  12. I agree that a dog owners should be held responsible for the actions of there dog, they owe it to the dog to ensure they are steady round people, steady round livestock & under control when off the lead, i was very aware of these things when owing a lurcher untill his death 3 yrs ago.


    We still have a terrier bitch & i would be mortified if she ever hurt anyone, she is a typical terrier , fiestsy & has an attitude :laugh: i cant say she has ever been a pain to be honest, she is 11 this yr & very steady & a cracking little bitch .


    Dog owners need to make sure a dogs in there care are tained properly, if they cant do it they need to get expert help from someone who does know how to do it.


    I fostered a yorkshire terrier for a month, the animal was a nightmare , i had no idea how to deal with its aggression over food & basically i held my hands up & the dog was placed with another woman who was more experienced in dealing with this kind of stuff, but big dog , little dog they al need schooling & teaching whats acceptable , no good having a dog if the owners as thick as pigshit & lets it rule the roost :whistle:

  13. [The Silver and the BEW genes are both the same, the silver is how this ferret started off and in his next year he was DEW or BEW]


    ;) heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.Explain this in finer detail mate .I'm no stranger to genetics but this leaves me bewildered :blink:

    The genes of whites and polecats are different.The bew is closer to the white albino than the polecat ferret and the silver has polecat blueprint ,just different colour.


    I can only assume Bunnyboy means silvers can loose some of the silver when they moult :icon_eek: i think thats what he means :laugh:

  14. '' As for non-workers they got bread/milk. '' I wonder if ferrets were kept as pets as well then, does anyone have any idea on that one, :)


    I must admit i was supprised that the sops feeding was true, i wonder how they handled & can imagine they lived short lives compared to the average life expectency of todays ferrets, i did think maybe jills were shortlived due to them not being brought out of season , other than breeding, but not knowing how many ferrets a keeper would have on average its difficult to know how many they would breed from each year.



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