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Country Joe

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Posts posted by Country Joe

  1. Cash generator pure and simple.

    Watch the volume of traffic police suddenly appear in the morning rush hour intent on catching people going to their work that have had a few beers the night before, bugger all to do with Joe Bloggs safety.

    Some of the enthusiasts of this limit want to explain to me what exactly was wrong with the original one?.

    easy to sort, if you are needing to use the car in the morning, you don't have a few beers the night before, or you walk to work, or train, bus, or taxi. end of. don't you think the Police don't already know if they stopped cars early Saturday morning they would catch the ones who had been out on the friday night.

  2. I'm wholly against ANY drink driving; but surely this throws up a huge question of law; if someone from England is breathalized in Scotland and is just above Scottish limits, but below English limits, they will be banned in Scotland, but why should they be banned in England ? Why should another counries laws apply to England ? If some one gets banned in, say, Australia, the ban doesn't apply here !

    There has just been a Lawyer on the radio, on this subject, if you are banned under the new limit in Scotland, you will also be banned in England.

  3. Just listening to Radio Scotland, who are talking about the subject four drivers already been caught out next morning driving.

    It appears if you are driving next morning after a few drinks, don't, get a taxi.

    The problem will be how long you have to leave it, before driving next day.

    people are buying cheap breathalyzer kits for £20 but would you trust losing your licence on a cheap bit of kit.

    i worked on a detox ward, and regularly used the same breathalyzer as the police, and they always had to calibrated,

    so i would not trust these kits.

  4. My old mate's beddy x's never opened up, ever, hunted up like cnuts on the lamp lol, but never opened up! Worse dog for opening up I've seen was a bull/grey x collie/grey. And the only whippet I've heard opening up was one of carl williams' dogs many years ago.


    Edited to add

    Sorry, it wasn't the only whippet I'd heard opening up, it was the first

    I had a Whippet X Grey bred by Carl Williams, always ran silent :thumbs:

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  5. How olds that photo Joe? Does anybody still keep them...?

    I don't know i found it on the web, it did say it was a racing Whippet, i think it had won a few races, looks as if it would be a cracken Rabbiting dog, could be 30s 40s, im not sure, im sure some of the Lads who race their Whippets will have more info.

  6. at least there slaughterin animals an not people,your fooking hunters,an your complaining about animals dying,cows be slaughyered everydau here an you dont give a fook

    Im not looking for an argument, we all have different views, yes im a Rabbit hunter, ferreter, When catching I always make sure they are dispatched quickly, and in a proper manner,

    I ve nothing against Animals being killed as humanly as possible, and the Cows slaughtered every day in UK would not be killed in that manner, even having your throat slit, would be better than hacking the top of the neck.

  7. This Country is Fecked, I hate Halloween, and especially Xmas , Mothers day, fathers day, black Friday new year. valentines. I even hear we are starting to celebrate Thanksgiving, receiving Xmas presents like shooting gloves, when ive never owned a gun.

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