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About breffni

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 14/07/1982

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  1. Well folks. I bought a large jar of jalapeño's,when they were gone I used the pickle juice to pickle eggs. They were great! They were green but lovely!!
  2. Is there an app for this site?

  3. Hes a gentalman compared to what my old man was like
  4. f**k the book you need lad. Dig away
  5. not as nice as a blue dog i now but bloody close mined lol atb david ,hes a fine stamp of a lurcher you have there david and obviously a good provider If you would feed yours,it would catch them bunnies too
  6. How would a terrier and a rat,get on togeather in it? Is there enough space for a dog too spin round??
  7. No bother lad.ill put a few chops in the post,a couple of days before i call!!
  8. I dont know what ye are talking about? Not a muscle kind on this dog! Every other dog looks well,but not this one!
  9. Alphamax No.5 Thats the cure for it......
  10. Thats a terrible example of a Rottie. Is that one you bread from? terrible terrible
  11. this ill be on jeremy kyle tomorrow morning. he'll sort it out! He is the king of the gypsies after all!
  12. Your flag isnt helping your cause.lol
  13. They cant get them small enough for ground work in Russia, so they are hardly send you one!
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