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Posts posted by snareman

  1. fook sake is this still being argued about, its in the hole end of story. :wallbash: lets be honest , how far down the hole would you have to put it , to stop none targets, A FECKING LONG WAY.
    your right tomo, as long as its under cover, but it really doesn,t matter how much care you take there is always some prowling little bast#rd that will stick a hand in one when trying to steal them, then there will be the usual hullaballoo about nothing ,instead of common sense being used , where the little c#nt should have been given a good slap in the first place , but the trapper always gets the blame ,
  2. well i have been running a couple of 110 body grips in some wire tunnels i have made and im pleased with the tunnels they provide a perfect catch arond the back of the neck and lower abdomen resulting in a humane quick death :thumbup: as with most trapping setts simplicity works best ,the wire tunnel is 18 inches long 6x6wide and has a two inch latt wired thee quaters of the way inside the tunnel i have made a door in the top of the tunnel through which i set the trap onto the latt holding the trap securely in place this squirrel paid the price for being greedy he went for the bait at the rear of the tunnel and was caught


    as you can see a perfect strike :D


    the trap reset ready for the next customer sitting over the latt holding the trap nicely so it wont move all thats needed are some sticks in front of the entrance to pevent incedental catches of non targets


    a side elevation


    you have started something now lad, gary will be wanting you to catch him a lot at that size for his dinner.
  3. Im a complete amateur when it comes to snaring but i see what you are trying to do and i think they look fine.
    only a rank amateur would make and use such a monstrosity, and you never ever set snares amongst cattle , not even that crap as it would still not safeguard a cow being caught by the tongue , and you don,t set snares on hoops like that anyway , as there is a problem with it , in the uk you do not need snares tagged anywhere , and the thin wire snare you speak off has killed millions of rabbits and hares over the last century , the hoop snare with the plain and simple fenceline wire , with a 6 strand wire has accounted for hundreds of thousands of rabbits and hares over the last 70 years ,what you should do with these is put them in the three foot mole holes cover them up and forget about them for ever, or get a lorry and take your couple of dozen too the scrap dealer,s , this is the donkey mentality that still haunts us in britain today that we are trying to eradicate , if it doesn,t take three f#cking hours to build it wont work , i,ve killed more rabbits in snares in a week than you have probably killed all your life , its a pure insult to a real trappers intelligence . to look at pictures of such rank amateur sh#te , then have a rank amateur try to justify and tell us how good it is . real professionalism is pure simplicity , this is the sh#te that we try to eradicate on this site , and its absolutely getting worse you think you had reinvented the wheel. think about it, what f#cking dimwit would want to carry such a heap of sh#t like that across a snaring field where you may have to set two or three hundred snares out . all i can say is god save us , as all the wisdom seems to be leaving this world.
  4. duckwing :clapper::clapper::clapper:
    in my opinion, whats needed is a new organisation developed and run by real trappers and snarers who know the game , not the desk jockeys , and theory boys , something like the, UK TRAPPERS ASSOCIATION, all the other organisations started somewhere , now they have the financial backing and the voice , with a good we regular magazine, called the TRAPPER, with real experiences from the guys in the field, not the usual run of the mill bulsh#tters , thats written nothing but pure crap , about snaring and trapping for years , at least what we write will be the truth , from years of practical experience , not figments of imagination thats usually dreamed up and written by the usual experts.
  5. Just to throw an idea in here completely unresearched: would those cat repellent sprays be any good here ? usually strong citrus based smells.


    I know rabbits have a keen sense of smell but I don't know if they would be put off as much as cats are supposed to be. You might be able to spray the runs rather than the snare itself.


    My instinct is that this probably wouldn't work but you never know

    your right john you don,t want any type of smell on snare or run, peg out every run with a breakaway snare, when the weather is right, and if you are any good at it you will have the majority of rabbits snared in 3 mornings and any cats caught will release themselves , cage traps to costly, to bulky, and expensive to lose, i would have these rabbits cleaned up in jig time, stop worrying about the cats and get it done,
  6. Snareman, Woodga, Peg&Gun, Duckwing, Moley, and anyone else proficient with wires . . .


    Please let me see your comments and reaction to this



    i am an SGA member, and really could not believe what i was reading in the scottish gamekeeper magazine, when it arrived last saturday morning, about setting fox snares at 5 inches high, and the usual 100 year old drivel of setting rabbit snares with 4 inch nooses set 3 fingers high, i phoned BASC, and they said it was best practice , thought up by the usual organisations, and to phone BASC scotland , and spoke to the man the office , i explained the situation, and asked what clowns came up with all this nonsense, after an hour,s conversation, isent breakaway fox snares and rabbit snare samples , plus all the simple attachments plus spring handled earth anchors, none of which he had ever seen before, i wonder why, because the basc headquarter,s in wales have had lots of my sample snares away back since the early 90,s, all the main field sports organisations in UK have samples of my breakaway fox and rabbit snares, yet not one of them has ever put forward an article in any of the field sports magazines about them , except steve caple , who wrote about the breakaway rabbit snares, and also in the NPTA, magazine, yet we see snippets here and there in various papers about this college and that one , all trying to come up with new breakaway systems, i have been working with breakaways for the last 14 years . before all the so called experts thought about it , in my opinion , the all in one breakaway fox snare eye that i devised ,which i have put up on H. LIFE, for anyone to copy and freely make , will never rust, has no sharp edges or corners, and is animal friendly, and has been tried and tested on many occasiosns and found to work pretty well, plus the non breakaway non rusting fox snare eye , that just needs to be cut of the old snare and keep reusing them for your lifetime , and never ever need to buy a fox snare eye again, they are both made for one penny, i believe that if any of the large fieldsports organisations had come up with all the breakaway snare systems that i have come up with , they would have been splashed from cover to cover over every field sports magazine in the country , but seeing that it was me a common joe bloggs , a nobody, that has come up with all the .advanced snaring techniqes, and quick two second securing devices , thats taken all the hard work out of modern fox snaring , they don,t want to know, but there is more bad news coming for all the so called experts , because the new fox snare that i have just completed with a humane extra added to it will be on its way to the scottish office , and defra office in bristol, next week , we on the hunting life are committed to try and erradicate all this small noose and set low mentalitry , that has gripped our country for the last century , leading the way forward for best humane setting and snaring practices , as we have the real top notch snaremen with the most advanced snaring and trapping brains in the uk. on this site, the only people who are a danger to us , are the intelligent idiots who come up with all the nonsense that we are opposed to , it is them who will get snaring banned themselves not the men in the field, because every non target species will get caught due to the nonsense about setting snares low to the ground , i know most of these experts , and not one of them has ever snared a thousand rabbits in a week , or snared over a hundred foxes in a winter alone. but these are the boys who know everything . at least the truth is not suppressed on the hunting life. buy the christmas special the sporting shooter out on thursday past. there is an article about rabbit snaring in it .
  7. Somebody asked me a while back about snaring rabbits along a fence line (sorry can't remember who it was) and i said I would post some pictures showing the way rabbits pass through a fence at different angles and heights depending on the vegetation and ground cover. To all you experienced snarers out there I apologise for explaining the bleeding obvious, but i am always aware that there are youngsters and newbies out there who may not have the benefit of years of snaring experiences as we do ;)


    Picture 1: Shows the rabbits are passing UNDER the bottom wire. Picture 2: Shows the rabbits are jumping through the SECOND square up. Picture 3: Shows the rabbits are jumping through the THIRD square up....and also at an angle (not square to the fence) All pretty self explanatory.........but as i say........it may help the beginner to understand the art of fence snaring.

    As always make sure you set fence wires way out on agricultural pasture land, to minimise the chances of catching non-target species. ;) (Or use breakaways)




    Good post Rolfe, the third pic isn't so obvious, but i'll take your word for it. The use of fence snares looks doomed in Scotland and no doubt England eventually. All by people who don't know what they're talking about, on behalf of rabid city dwellers who move into the country and think it's a Walt Disney film. Trouble is, they have the resources and ability to lobby above their weight.

    the picture is clear enough ian, look and you will see the slight discolouration, on the wire and even on the wire turns, sometimes hairs can,t be seen at all .
  8. Yes they will, but thats why you snare rats either on whips or on walls and joists.



    the rats don,t chew through the single and double strand stainless steel wire regardless of where you catch them , and that even goes for ground snaring like i have shown up on the rat snaring site, the single steel strand is only as thick as a single strand of brass rabbit wire , and if you get a drum of this you will never ever need to buy a rat snare ever again in your life , they are made for apenny. they hold sqirrels and rabbits also , ask woodga and duckwing.
  9. the wire hoop snare has been around for 70 years, straightforward and simple , a length of wire bent into a U shape , pushed into the ground over a rabbit run, a snare systems beauty is its simplicity, thats how its so effective in the first place, i have personally never used electrical tape there is no need to although some lads like it , its really is a simple job to keep the snare sitting steady on a hoop, without any added garbage, such as wire turns, because the minute a rabbit or hare is caught, the wrap themselves around the two wire legs which really are a double kill pole, therefore any swivel system is immediately nullified, rendering it useless , iwas taught this system over 40 years ago by chisholm, who used it to control hare numbers, over the scottish hills. all the northern keepers used the hoop snares , to control hares this way, as its so simple to make a hoop snare for wire can be found on old fences , around farm yards , dumps etc. for absolutely free , so all you need is the hoop, made for nothing, a 30 pence snare, and your in business .

  10. Take a look at this Rat Snaring
    speaking to a friend of mine from england a guy whom i taught to snare rabbits and foxes , he was commenting on rats in certain premises that just would not go near the traps he had set , so i said to him a few weeks ago , why don,t you snare them , i sent him down some snares, and we discussed various types of wire that i have used over the years, two strands of brass, single and double strands of steel , last season i was using a single strand of ruby wire and could take , up to ten rats with one single strand wire wire , these snares were all used in conjunction with hazel benders , my friend said he watched loads of rats running along the wooden beams , the snares were just the job for these guys, i told him what to do, so he started setting the rat snares and was catching them no problem and dropping them of the beams , he sent me a parcel the other day with samples of this wire that he got , there were three different types , two of them are really excellent , one is outstanding, it can be loaded like a fox snare and fires like greased lightning , rats of all sizes were hanging like christmas lights , mouse sized ones also , to date he has snared over a hundred , the customer could not believe it , i have made up a good few snares from this wire and will be using them with the benders shortly , and i will be sending some down to my big mate duckwing , whom i am sure will be over the moon with them , squirrels will be a piece of cake with these snares. the snares can be reset and catch time after time . this wire is pure quality.

    Glenn your right as usual these ruby wires are perfect for use in open runs with benders , if you would like some more let me know as i have been lucky in being able to get six 8 kg drums, as you know it is almost impossible to get these days , will 50 be enough for you at the usual price f8c5 all. Geordie.

    yes 50 will do geordie , i will be using them along with this new wire that martin sent up to me . how did you and woodga get on with the thousand twined pegs that you got between you .
  11. What is real difference between the shop bought snares from for example mole valley and the professional one spun by woodga, snareman etc. :blink: i want to know if it is worth forking out as i am just getting started.


    Thanks for all the help so far guys





    If you use the pro ones on the wire tealer set at 61/2" and follow the advice given by the experts on this site, you'll catch more, and become so confident, that you'll feel miffed if you get a knocked snare. On the metal tealer, the snare can spin like a swivel so they last longer too. Well worth the little bit extra. You won't go back to shop bought.

    shop bought snares are usually sold under the guise of professional rabbit snares , they are sold by salesmen who talk the talk, but can,t walk the walk not real trappers, like the few real snarers on this site thats snared over a thousand in a week. the shop bought wires are lacking in length, half spun, some don,t even have an eyelet inserted into them , they are crap with thin cheap twines on them, real pro. trappers don,t use twines on their snares and as i have said before the biggest thing shop snares catch most is the people who are gulled into buying them , and they cost between 4o to 50 pence each, you can buy pro, nooses or tealers from either woodga or geordie on this site for 30 odd. pence each , either 22 1/2 inches or24 inches long, these guys sell the cheapest real mcoy professional rabbit snares on this site , and are pro,s at using them . infact if you want good cheap rat snares , geordie will make them for you also, as he made me a lot of the single strand ruby rat snares , for me and i have snared up to ten rats with one snare. remember a snare is only as good as the guy who sets it .
  12. Take a look at this Rat Snaring
    speaking to a friend of mine from england a guy whom i taught to snare rabbits and foxes , he was commenting on rats in certain premises that just would not go near the traps he had set , so i said to him a few weeks ago , why don,t you snare them , i sent him down some snares, and we discussed various types of wire that i have used over the years, two strands of brass, single and double strands of steel , last season i was using a single strand of ruby wire and could take , up to ten rats with one single strand wire wire , these snares were all used in conjunction with hazel benders , my friend said he watched loads of rats running along the wooden beams , the snares were just the job for these guys, i told him what to do, so he started setting the rat snares and was catching them no problem and dropping them of the beams , he sent me a parcel the other day with samples of this wire that he got , there were three different types , two of them are really excellent , one is outstanding, it can be loaded like a fox snare and fires like greased lightning , rats of all sizes were hanging like christmas lights , mouse sized ones also , to date he has snared over a hundred , the customer could not believe it , i have made up a good few snares from this wire and will be using them with the benders shortly , and i will be sending some down to my big mate duckwing , whom i am sure will be over the moon with them , squirrels will be a piece of cake with these snares. the snares can be reset and catch time after time . this wire is pure quality.
  13. i have set out 10 snares the way glenn waters says and after a few nights of moves snares and a bit of fine tuning last night i caught my first rabbit but by the time i got there this morning all the was left was a poorly butchered carcass.


    what can i do to stop this?


    the snare caught the rabbit just behind its front legs thisc isnt normal what am i doing wrong? :angry:

    if it was pegged snares they were set to low, now kill the fox , and the rabbits wil be yours
  14. Some wires left out for foxes round the pens and on runs kept vanishing from a quiet part of the wood, no matter how well we tried to hide them :censored: We suspected trespassing walkers / antis but couldn't work out how they were clearing up so many :censored: So I got to thinking how do you find metallic objects hidden in undergrowth / in the ground, a metal detector perhaps? No the twats can't be that sad as to scan paths and runs with metal detectors looking for snares can they? A bit of Googling later and I found

    Link to tree hugging anti site


    Hello You may be asking your self how hard is it to find snares and illegal traps like the Gin trap and so on this is not as hard to answer as you may think as every one knows snares & traps are every where it is locating them and how to do it as quickly as possible.


    1). The first place to look around for Snares is near pheasant pens game keepers will lay them around the area near the pens to catch foxes the problem with this is it not only catches foxes but badgers & domestic animals as well.


    What I have found in some parts of the British countryside are Blue or White containers filled with corn seed this is often fixed to tree's with a metal coil at the base they are often hidden in the woods. This is often near shooting estates or near farms look for lots of bird seed on the ground in your local woods this is so the shooting parties have a supply of birds to kill.


    This is a good area to look for snares and traps as well don't think for one minute that because some types of traps and snares are banned that they won't be used which is more important to the person setting them wildlife or money.

    2). The best way to search for snares & traps in the woods or in fields or around Pheasant pens is with a Simple metal detector as the Snare is metal and if there is no metal fence near the search coil then it will help find metal objects faster as we are only interested in finding metal objects above ground we do not need a very dear metal detector for very little money the one in the photo is only £50.00.


    Anyone else had this happen or suspected it??



    easy sorted, flask of tea, and a piece, old fashioned waiting game, balaclava, no talking, step out smart left hook, then straight right, and lefthook to the floatig ribs, lo and behold a nice free metal detector , and away home , its worked for me.
  15. I post this question to see how many people actually use breakaway snares on a regular basis. Snareman has several pinned topics at the top of this forum including how to make your own and I would be interested to see how many follow his example.


    All the best



    As an added reply, I had some copper, which was just by a couple of thou, thinner than snareman recommended for the breakaway rabbit snare, but it was annealed soft copper, and some rabbits were escaping, in fact some escaped as a last ditch effort as you approached, so I stopped using that, but will keep looking for stronger stuff, as one cat, is one cat too many. I've a limited amount of blood in me at any one time.


    I too am looking into the copper wire thing, I was wondering about the single strand copper you get in cooker wire, you know the heavy duty stuff? From the top of my head I think snareman says around 1.7 mil? I could be wrong on that of course...


    For the breakaway fox snares I am using the wire from sheep netting, it is 2mm and hard galv, not like the fence wire which is soft annealed.


    Thanks to all those that have so far answered the poll, one of the reasons for it was to discover how many have read Glenns articles, I know there are still a lot of people who come on here and ask questions without reading the pinned section, but that is human nature....



    I have caught two cats only in my time snaring (I don't snare on a large scale at all), both were caught on the fence and although a breakaway might have worked to save them, I dont think the deer stops would as they had both thrown themselves over the strands above. Not a great thing to find, but my dad was happy as one was quite close to the release pen!


    All the best



    the diameter of the copper wire used in rabbit breakaway snares is 1.75 mil. in the test done by woodga, and nick, almost 800 rabbits were snared , the problem arose with the large rabbits snared by nick, thhey were weighing from 5 to 6 lbs. in weight , their necks were so thick that the end and stop eyelet could not meet together, they were being checked three times a day , so the copper S link was taking a bit of a beating, thats why i strengthened it , by making it shorter from 3/4 of an inch to 1/2 an inch , if setting on a fence i would probably use the 3/4 link , as there is not the same purchase on the wire , like there is with a longer pegged snare . a cat having a thicker and stronger neck , would open the 3/4 inch link far easier on a fenceline. make no mistake the breakaway fox and rabbit snare with the added deer stop is going to become the legal snare of the future , the way things are going, so you better get used to using them.
  16. glen and liam , that should be intresting :clapper: would have been even better if it were his old man ;)
    tomo, the majority of the fieldsports lads know that i am the real inventor of the quick set longnet system , with pockets all tied in place, nobody ever used one until i showed the system , in the early 90,s , although it was devised 38 years ago when i was 24 years old , but there are three people that can,t be lied to one is when they look into the mirror , me who invented it, and GOD, thats good enough for me. anyway it was nice to meet you, and matt the rat, axeholme ferreter, john b, bob nets, holdaway, and i even offered you lads free money and none of you took it , so don,t say that we scots are mean , its just a pity that we did not get together along with rolfe in the evening as we could have had a good crack and a laugh, you are all nice lads and i,m glad i met you all face to face and now know whom i am in contact with. and to tell you the truth, i had an elastic band on the cash i offered you , just incase you lads got it right , ha ha take care boys , and all the best.
  17. had 40 snares set out along a set of runs for last night. when i checked them this morning all of them had been tampered with but in a strange way. the tealer had been removed from the ground and pulled tight within the loop. does anyone know what they were trying to say with this. beats me. w**kers
    reset them and go and hide, then. sort them out . no more problems. job done. it worked for me a few times in the past.
  18. With the cold weather now here and bits of snow falling around the country, It's got me thinking ahead to when the snow properly comes, and tracing rabbits in the snow.


    I normally only get one or two mornings a year, when the conditions are just right. ( a new layer of fresh snow which has come just before light, then stopped).


    And out i go armed with one purse net and my trusty single barrelled 410.


    out onto the bleak moors, just above the fields, looking for the tracks up into the heather or dead bracken, and on following these tracks to where the rabbit has gone underneath the heather/ bracken,(and you can see by the tracks it hasn't come out), place the purse net over the entrance opening, then trampling the heather/bracken until the rabbit bolts either into the net or out across the snow for a quick shot.


    The action can be quite fast at times and great fun, and good bags gotten too


    But does anyone else still practice this way of hunting.


    atb smoggy

    another good time to kill rabbits this way is when its hard frost, the rabbits will lie out in thick tussocky type grass, and you can see the nice pop holes due to constant use , they can also be found when a few strips of straw are left lying in the stubble fields , out from a hedge or wood edge, or along grassy dry stone walls , etc. a little sheet net is very handy for these locations, fling it over the front of the holes and kick the grass at the back and they are out and caught up in the net in seconds. phil lloyd and i were netting them like this 16 yrs. ago . its great fun, and a few nice clean rabbits can be picked up qite easily with little effort.
  19. can anyone advise on a good book on how to snare? ive had a quick look on the forum and i cant find any references plus i was looking on ebay for snares and was wandering if they would be any good, i cant tell you the name of the seller but there is only one. thanks :good:
    there is no books on the market, in the last hundred years that will tell you how to snare rabbits correctly , for the simple fact is every author who has wrote about it couldn,t set snares properly , right up until modern day books every author has practically copied each other , with the same shit set witha 4 inch loop at 3 to 4 fingers high , all the field sports writers are the same , every article you read is the same crap , small noose and set low mentality. if you read what i have put up at the top of the first page , on professional rabbit snaring , plus if you purchase woodga,s dvd. that will help you immensely , you may think i,m abrupt, but i,m telling you the truth, allthese latter and modern day authors should hang their heads in shame , for the misleading nonsense thats been written about rabbit snaring , as there have been many kids and beginners who have tried their heart out and got nowhere fast. after reading books and articles written in magazines , it must have been very frustrating for a lot of people over the years , setting with tiny nooses and low to the ground , then suddenly finding out the truth many years later , thats not how its done at all. anyway take care hope this helps.
  20. 92 out of 100 pegged wires about seven yrs ago.Had 70s-80s hundreds of times out of 100 pegged wires.Would love to get old snareman,woodga,teejay and myself with 500 pegged wires each on a good black, windy, winters night and see what we kill.......P@G
    p and g you forgot about that morning you had 157 , out of 225 snares , the morning that the sheep had got into the field. your mind must be going young man.
  21. 92 out of 100 pegged wires about seven yrs ago.Had 70s-80s hundreds of times out of 100 pegged wires.Would love to get old snareman,woodga,teejay and myself with 500 pegged wires each on a good black, windy, winters night and see what we kill.......P@G
    2000 pegged wires set and only 500 rabbits snared , a couple of amateurs more like it , i,ve had 192 out of two hundred, in a morning , and 97 three times out of one hundred , old chisholm, one of my mentors snared 2500 rabbits in a week working 1000 wires, if woodga, peg and gun and myself , set out two thousand pegged snares , on ground that was infested with rabbits , we would be needing a bus to take them away,and thats a true fact.
  22. Got a phone call from someone who was wanting to know about setting mole traps. He must have seen an advert of mine somewhere. Now im pretty amiable so i was telling him a thing or two about mole trapping over the phone. Thought he had a mole problem and wanted to sort it out himself, ive no problem with that as i often advise over the phone for help with rats and mice. Anyway , we get talking and it turns out this cheeky git is wanting to trap moles for free in order to get shooting permission!! :icon_eek: I couldnt believe it! Im still flabbergasted! I told him that i trap moles for money and permission is a nice perk on the side , but no! he says he's doing it for free. Im glad i didnt go into detail,as i dont think anyone would/could do the moles that i do for free, it would be impossible, but its made my mind up.

    Im not helping anyone now when it comes to moles. I will take my secrets to the grave!!!! :wallbash:

    i think you are right on there my man , the more it seems that you try and help them , the more they seem to either copy your ideas and try to make a fast buck out of them , there are more coming onto this site with profit in mind , wanting brass wire, eyelets, how to make this and that just to sell . look how the quick set long net was being sold after i showed it, and i,m the originator of the idea. my breakaway fox snare eyes, breakaway rabbit snares , earth anchors . yep trappa, i,m showing no bast#rd nothing else , except my personal friends on the site . and there are certain good ideas that are pretty deadly that i will also take to the grave .

    snareman, the quickset longnet that you talk about is that your idea ? seen a bit somewhere where brian brinded said it was is idea.

    the breackaway fox snare eyes are yours and so are the rabbit breackaway snares and there is no one who have ever devised anything like them.

    s hooks amberg release etc but no one have made a one pice unit before im sure,credit due.

    but did you devise the ground anchor to, to all the us trappers .

    fried rice i am the man who devised the quick set long net system , 38 yrs ago it was shown on video around 1993, and as usual the wideos, have always got to lay there fame to claim , nobody ever used a net fixed to poles with the bagging tied into pockets until i showed how it was done.i could run the 100 yd. net out in under two minutes , phil lloyd and hundreds of other guys will tell you this, ask woodga, or duckwing, ask alan salmon of master nets , and they will all verify i am the real originator of this system .
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