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Posts posted by snareman

  1. hi everyone, ive bought 500g of brass wire and 100 eyelets and i seen some where on the forum were the snares are 22 1/2" long and to make them you cut three lenghs of 45" brass wire and fold it in half put an eyelet in and spin it, but my snares are about 5" short of 22 1/2" and they are wound a bit tighter than the shop bought snares. please could somebody give me some advice and also how do i attach them to fences without that crappy green twine ive tryed wrapping the snares tight on the fence but they make a mess of the snares. many thanks nathan :victory:
    you don,t seem to have expressed yourself very clearly on the post , first , have you made your own 221/2 snare nooses ,and spun them up more firmly , is it these snares that have turned out 5 inches short. or is it the usual shop bought snares that you have purchased which are very short compared to the professional sized noose , if you are using the shop bought snares , then remove the cheap crap green twine , and add your own stronger twine , tie a knot in the end , then loop twine around fenceline and slip the snare noose through the twine loop, and pull it taught, then select your loop size to corelate with the rabbit run, you then just wind the end of the snare wire around fencewire , job done , this is the only way you are going to get length for loop size from a shop bought snare , as they are made for maximum profit not maximum catching efficiency , infact the best thing that they catch are the people who buy them .
  2. Hey Ditch,


    Thanks for the reply. I have used cable snares before, but they are one use with raccoons. I have #220 Conibers, but they weigh a lot to haul around. That's why I was interested in reusable posibilities. I figuered if there wer, people around here would know.



    with cable snares you are only going to be able to use them once with predators , but they are light and easy to carry and make and very cost effective , i showed trappers out in canada in the 90,s the old scottish fox snaring system that was taught to me 40 years ago by sandy livingston, its ideal for snaring bobcats and lynx , very fast and efficient to set , the canadians who tried it were very impressed by it , and sometimes they caught up to 3 cats with one snare loop before needing replaced , due to a cats hyper make up they were dead so fast , they told me , that there was not even a mark left on the snare cable , i had many phone calls from these guys thanking me for showing them this old system , as they had never seen that style of snaring ever before , although it was common in my area . but raccoons can certainly push a snare to its limits .
  3. snareman has an a 4 size picture of me taken years ago with two cubs taken in peg wires which were set to catch the cubs on a banking amongst bracken the vixen was shot and the cubs were mopped up in snares very effective for catching youngsters ,but as rolfe has said breakaways in areas where the possibility of non target animals is the way to go times have changed
    the pegged rabbit snares set higher in longer grass are deadly for picking up fox cubs out prowling on their own , so is the hoop snares , only they are usually dead in them, they don,t seem to have the sense to bite the wire, i,ve caught adults around the muzzle and they were also held as they couldn,t bite the wire , i never release them , as they will only become a problem later , but if using breakaways they escape themselves. one of my old mentors WILLIE MAC, snared a couple fox cubs many years ago , and they were used in that film the belstone fox.
  4. They all look really good, but I need a close up please!! I would like to attach mine to a tree in a cubby for squirrels, hense the reason for clips in tunnels, I like your grip stands john, and rolfes cubby looks the biz too, but any one any ideas how to attach a BG in a cubby upside down?


    Cheers all



    contact alan salmon as he makes good ones from high tensil wire , also the ones that lie flat on the ground , peg and gun made me crackers , and teejay,s lad made good ones also.contact alan, at.01980/610/366.
  5. Im sure it's a kind of guard to go over the end of a peice of ducting with a motorised worm running through the middle..the kind that are used on seed dryer's and milling machines for moving seed from one part of the farm to the other through a series of ducting..



    its a guard off a grain auger

    your a clever boy arnt you :tongue2: :tongue2:

    you beat me to it :clapper:

    you little liar tommy.
  6. WOODGA ,,













    d.wing the next thing you know the nurses will be bringing them out tea and scones , you know what like woodga , darren and ratcherman are like , they would get a piece at anybody,s door . they will be eating the squirrels next.
  7. I taught the bloke all he knows, he's just a glory seeker desperate to be famous!!!!!! you should've seen him the last time i was out ferreting with him, these 2 blokes come up and he was signing aoutgraphs and posing for photos with them!!!...... :feck::laugh::feck::laugh::feck:



    he,s like that ,he loves to be a celebrity, they should put him in the jungle with the other chav,s

    moley he asked me if i would like a signed picture of him posing as usual. i,m glad he is not made of chocolate .
  8. Fair play to you fellas :clapper: :clapping: :clapper: :clapping: ps could i just ask how come almost all the rabbits in the pictures are still alive in the snares :unsure::unsure:

    when you use peg wires a high percentage of rabbits are still alive when taken out of the snares especially if there is no areas where they can become entangled

    and not a bullseye snare amongs,t them , no setting between the beats there woodga. eh lad.
  9. i be down in a minute ,i GLASSED them TRAPS in the boxs calling my name come get me , hector brocklebank be proud of a shed that well stocked ,ill echo his words fine fellows asking nothing in return :rolleyes: , like some would , i hope nemo can make an indent into the roe he will have a big job ahead rob
    woodga, you would steal a fly from a blind spider . and the pegs are to thick. i would not want them ,
  10. Been reading the book all afternoon an excellent read very informative and well explained in very good detail excellent book to buy for anybody wishing to make various live catch traps john you must have spent a while researching the designs as even a dumpling like me can understand it :icon_redface::whistling:
    your right woodga , the book is very informative and well laid out easy to read and follow the plans on how to make your own live catch traps very well done john. i,m needing a good kick to start putting mine together.
  11. Some of those little cage type traps look fascinating: the one at the top left of the pic: how would that work and what would it be for?-


    Those little wood and wire cage traps were, believe it or not, tiny mouse traps - each one about 6 or 7 inches long. Intricately crafted traps from a chap in Brazil that Ditch and I know as 'Armando'. They went for hardly anything - a bit of a shame to see them sell so cheaply.


    I just wish I had more spending power yesterday to get a few more!



    otc. were there no old rabbit snares there.
  12. looking for a bag to hold snares while out snareing something along the lines of a game bag but not so expensive just looking for a cheap snare bagg that looks ok

    I use an old Post bag with a dodgy buckle that sometimes can be so f*****g annoying but I've had it thirty years. The pin on the buckle is so worn and the strap so soft that sometimes, usually in the pissing rain, and the dark, and the windy and muddy and unhappiness, it slips and falls to the ground spilling its contents everywhere. I usually say oh dear. One of these days I must get a new one, trouble is this ones just the right size.

    ian, why don,t you put a piece of an old rabbit snarewire through it like i did with mine , as i experienced the same problem. and it saves any aggrivation.

    I'll do that Glenn :thumbs:

    ian was looking through the shed the other day after reading this post and ended up finding 6 different big snare bags, that i forgot that i even had.
  13. I think we're in agreement on that - it all comes down that wording in the act.


    "Any form of artificial lighting or any mirror or other dazzling device"


    If they had written "no artificial lighting, mirror or other device may be used to dazzle" it would be a lot clearer.


    Without a test case it's down to interpretation.


    I'm not stating this as fact by the way because I don't know - just my interpretation

    john, they use them in cubbies in canada, to trap wolverine. the mirror has been around a long time .
  14. This is an old picture (it must be i was still playing rugby) of an albino grey squirrel that was destined for the taxidermist. It was found on the roadside at Berwick-on-Tweed the result of a collision with a motor vehicle it was presumed.
    rolfe , there were quite a few around my area at one time , i caught three from the same trap within a week. infact my mate still has one of the pelts. the keeper says that there is still the odd one around .
  15. Go to a craft shop and buy this it's copper coated steelwire.



    instead of playing around at snaring use proper snares , and get to it , and do it properly , to many on this site are kid on merchants , always wanting to know where to get the stuff , and when told where to get proper snares , they don,t want tp pay for them, then they go and buy cheap sh#te and wonder how they can,t get big kills of rabbits , remember we are dealing with animals here therefore the humane factor should always come first .


    I prefer use rig material for pike fishing 40lb or cable from bike gears so it isn't shity crap but always not as good as your snares.



    who in their right mind is going to piss around with bike cable to snare rabbits . its obvious your a rank amateur.
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