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About -SionHughes-

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    hunting, shooting, lamping

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  1. Hi, wondering if anybody knows where I can get a lead like this, been looking on google can't seem to find it. The lad that owns it got it from a local show and the stand was not there this last year. Thanks
  2. Looking for a used schmidt and bender 10x42 scope. Thanks sion
  3. Thanks for all the comments, i have handled a cz 223 stutzen at the cla game fair last year and found it light compared to my howa 223 varmint. as for the mannlicher i have never seen on or handled one, i just had a friend recommend it to me as he used to shoot one for the forestry commission a long time ago, and I found one on sale at the sportsman gun center. I do not intend to fit a silencer. Thanks for the offer AThomas, it would be nice to handle the gun, yes i can get to the tunnel, when is best for you? I'm working until Thursday and then i'm off for a week.
  4. I've just had my fac after only 9 months of waiting, and have my heart set on a full stock gun. I'm not sure what to get a cz 550 stutzen or a steyr mannlicher full stock, the caliber will be 243 and the gun will be used for stalking deer in woodland.
  5. I'm also looking for 3/4 grayhound 1/4 bull pups from working lines, if anyone knows of any i'd be grateful.
  6. This is mine, carry it with me when i take the dogs for a walk very handy and less conspicuous than a ordinary shovel
  7. Thanks keepbordersworking, just need more work for her
  8. Thanks blackdog1, i used some old 1" central heating pipe for the handle, and the teeth are made from an old bar ground down. Slightly heavy but briliant for cutting roots.
  9. Homemade sharptooth,briliant for cutting large roots and rocky ground.
  10. I've been looking into moving to Canada for a while now, I've been there for a holiday and love the wether and lifestyle. I'm just wondering what the hunting is like out there, specifically fox hunting with hounds and earth work with terriers. And if so what area should I be looking into. Thanks for all the info.
  11. Just wondering if eany one has some 223 casings that they don't want or want to sell as I want to start long range shooting and want to make a larger batch of ammo and don't want to have to buy boxes of shells. Thanks for eany help.
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