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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Weihrauch have taken the superb HW100 and tweaked it for the new season. It still has the best action on the market but they've taken some advice and modified the silencer. I managed to get the Hull Cartridges rep, at the Midland, to dry fire the gun and the new silencer is far a better upgrade. The noise is reduced considerably. The biggest surprise was the new stock! Weihrauch have ditched the large piece of walnut in favour of a sleeker more traditional rifle stock. The result looks like 1st X S410/Paul Wilson... Looks amazing but he couldn't be persuaded to take it down so I
  2. I had a wander round the airgun trade stands at the Midland and I had a chat with the man at Air Arms. He said that the 10 shot mag is £65. It's about 3-4 weeks out of the shops but you won't be able to buy a 10 shot rifle in the future. Looks tidy though. It's a similar cocking mechanism to the S410 which means that cocking the rifle engages the magazine too, unlike the current Click Load system where you have to cock the gun and use a switch to cycle the magazine. The mag is retrofit only. So you'll have to buy the single shot rifle and convert it with the official upgrad
  3. ChrisJones


    Hello again! Any chance of a law suit for repetitive strain injury?
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