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Everything posted by jigsaw

  1. Hes a strong little fella,hope he turns out to be a miller,whats the breeding of the merle pup,bearded/g.hound I expect.
  2. God help the animals,thats all I say.
  3. Took my missus out across the land a few years back and she whinged and cribbed about the thorns and the barbed wire and that her wellies were dirty,thank f**k she doesnt have the remotest interest in the countryside.Thats the only time I get away from her,Christ I'm jealous of you lot,you got a partner/wife you have something in common with,Berkutchi what can I say you lucky lucky man.I cant get my missus to walk to the corner shop never mind around the countryside.
  4. Well done guys,thats a better system I think,no chance of spillage and plenty of water available all of the time.
  5. Mole trapper if you lived in our country you'd have to have 1,if its not drizzling here its absolutely pouring down,they're handy for the really wet days but road work and a gallop through the fields is a far better job.They do have their uses though.
  6. Anyone on here dissatisfied with the performance of the water bottles hanging on the cage fronts,I was watching the ferrets last year and they were chewing the nozzle of the bottle trying to get more water from them.I puta bowl of water in the cages and they drank from them for a long time which told me they were very thirsty even though they had 2 bottles on each cage.I have purchased a nozzle exactly the same as the ferret bottles but twice as big and twice as wide.Any bottle will fit into this,from a 2 litre coke bottle to an orange juice bottle(the type you buy in the supermarket)Anybody g
  7. Be jaysus thats a fair bit of cash.A certain person contacted me and tried to buy mine from me for 400,told me I was a hungry hore for asking more,even though it cost me almost 900 euros,some people!I just dont know.
  8. Just wondering if Chubbs was about and hows his lurcher pup doing?I have a litter mate to it and would like to hear how its doing,Jigsaw.
  9. Dawn I know in general terms a 9 year old bitch is gone a bit too far but this bitch is on STEROIDS when shes out.I sometimes go to the beach with her and she runs around for hours,shes in great condition.And Dawn as you say you wouldnt do it,but I will and thats my decision,I may live to regret it,but I may not.I have her kennelled next door to the bitch in season but its not feasable to have the 2 together,she may decide to have a snack and eat the terrier lol.She probably wont come into season anyway,but I live in hope.
  10. Im not going down the injection route,if she comes in this time well and good but I wont force her in.Isnt it strange how her season gets delayed,my patt is just 15 months and this is her second season.
  11. Bloody godd stuff Frank,the tip with the spring to hold in the bottle is excellent I thought.Anyone know where the feed hoppers can be obtained?I,m definitely going dry food this summer after last years bombardment of flies.I cleaned the nest box every day and the dung tray the same and still had monster flies,as big as houses they were,lol dry food this year for sure.
  12. I knew this was going to raise its head,the question of breeding an old bitch.Since I have her 9 years shes had 2 litters,hardly abused.She is as fit as a 2 year old and well cared for so please stay with the query I'm posing and not with the rights and wrongs of her age versus breeding.She was such a good dog in my eyes she is worth the effort of trying to produce a litter from her.You can be sure every care will be given to her if she does come into pup.She is a family dog ans spends most of her time in the house anyway.I'm not aiming this at you Aka-brindle,I would just prefer not to get in
  13. My ideal woman,real pretty and not afraid of blood and guts,Good going hairybull.
  14. Thats what I'm hoping for.It'd be a shame not to get 1 last litter from her,I'm waiting and hoping.
  15. jigsaw

    whats this

    Bang on DS pipefish,havnt come across them on my rambles on beaches,but if there was a severe gale and a lot of seaweed washed up on the beach thats probably the reason.Once they get seperated from the seaweed they dont have a great resistance from the current,they end up where ever they are pushed.I may be incorrect but I believe this to be the case.
  16. At the moment I have a terrier bitch almost in season,I have her kennelled next to an old bull terrier bitch,she is 9 years old.The bull bitch,Jigsaw is her name,was 5 years old the 1st time she came into season,she was bred from and the next year she came back into season and I bred from her.Her 1st litter was a cross of working russellxbull.Her 2cd litter she was bred to a very good pit from Dublin.The next time she came into season and I didnt breed from her,that was over 2 years ago and she hasn't come into season since.what I'd like to ask is,do you people think she may come into season b
  17. Well Frank I found part 3 but where do you find part 1 2 and 4.Bewildered I am.
  18. Theres no point in deleting his account,I thouroughly enjoy reading his posts and anyone elses regearding their methods.I accept its probably a quick way of terminating them but the point I made was we dont need to see a pic of a chap with a club and 2 trapped foxes.Its not a method I would use and think there are better ways of finishing the job,but everyone to their own devices.Its ammo for the wrong people.If a little critisism upsets someone to the extent that they have to leave immediately then I think not 1 member would be here.Everyone gets critisised at some stage.I think calling someo
  19. Very humane,clubbing the poor f****rs,I dont think the last photo is necessary,a pic of a chap just about to bash the brains out of them.I do realise it may be legal where your from but its really not necessary to highlight the method you use to finish them off.My young son aged 11 was sitting with me reading the posts and was slightly upset with the thought of your modus operadi(spelling?).i did a bit of bluffing and explained the dammage foxes did to native wildlife but is the pic really necessary to show.I'm not an anti,far from it but I think discression is the best option here.The rest of
  20. Thanks a lot guys let you know how I get on.
  21. My son is going to take a look to see if theres any hope,let you know if it works.I guess I'm just too old for this modern technology stuff.
  22. As you may or may not have read I lost the connection to the internet about a month ago and had a digi camera full of photos saved since xmass of hunting shots,plus family photos etc.Well I'm blue in the face asking my son whos 16 years old to download the pics for me as I didnt really know how to.Yesterday I decided to attempt to download them myself and with 1 felled swoop I somehow wiped the camera clean and lost the feckin lot.I am absolutely sick in my stomach over it.I had at least a half dozen days hunting photos on it,plus my new lurcher pup I imported from Wales.I dont know how I did
  23. Im a diesel fitter,in the underware factory I stand at the end of the conveyer and pick up the panties and shout,diesel fitter,shes a big lass but theese'll fit her,lol in reality I'm a painter/decorator for 30 years but I'm tending 2 plasterers for the last 9 months just to break the monotony of my hideous past career.
  24. jigsaw

    What is

    travel in a hot air baloon with a fine young lady on her knees in the basket helping me....ahem..maybe not.[bANNED TEXT] the f**k yeah thats [bANNED TEXT] id like
  25. Frank nice to see that stupid oul shovel doing the biz.I've packed it in for this season,young uns all over.The wife fell down the stairs over a month ago and badly bruised her hip and shoulder,but worse still she tore the phone socket off of the wall trying to [bANNED TEXT] herself in the process.I was waiting 3 weeks for the phone technichans to come and fix it,but now I'm BACK
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