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Everything posted by tipper

  1. I've sent you a private message. Thank you
  2. If this not allowed please remove If any member stuck for microchipping litters on Teeside & Durham . I hold new government Lantra award and insured . find me on Kennel club & petlog data base. I come out microchip your litter reg straight away on to Petlog data base. Anyone wants further details send me private message. I'm cheaper than the vets. Thank you Just trying help members out I'm member of Northumberland & Durham Labrador society over 25 yrs of gundogs so I know a lot . regards
  3. i personally hopes he rots and the rest of them rotten to . i read his website he called alot people on there now talk about pot calling kettle black. he done hell lot worse than anyone he slagged off on getitofyourchest site. Hope the members on there feel well embrassed about been his so called friend now? i said my piece now on this
  4. Even if he goes down when he returns will he be allowed to re join forums again?i hope the house is demolished like been done with other serial offenders in the pasted.
  5. p.s in punt mud stick ect
  6. do you think new members who join pubs now and in the future if this kept quite and brushed under the carpet about the founder of the website will be happy after joining then found out about all this, are they going be be happy and stay on the sitest leave high speed? especial thoughs with families? will the site leave full disclourser about the founder and whats happened on it home page so all new members can make a honest dicision about the site whether they want to join it ?
  7. For the website to continue it still need someone in charge and moderate is he still in full control? if so who really would want join a website than been control be a man like him certainly a man that abused his dogs in such deprived way. he not just got this web site but he has another called getitofyourchest http://getitorfyerchest.myfreeforum.org/index.php which it seems he ceo of to? is this site also to continue who be running this site for him? some threads he allowed on that site talking about pot calling the kettle black ect. if the sites are taking over by new ceo will the
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159370/Soldier-childminder-farmer-paedophile-ring-hosted-depraved-sex-parties-isolated-country-farmhouse.html#ixzz1xqWE5sda
  9. What will happen to the pubs website now the CEO is up in court. with this in public eye interesting reading for all the members of pubs and all his friends on there. ttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159370/Soldier-childminder-farmer-paedophile-ring-hosted-depraved-sex-parties-isolated-country-farmhouse.html#ixzz1xqWE5sda
  10. i heard it not on? so going to the ripley show near harrogate for scurry with 1 or 2 of my dogs
  11. I not been here in ages been busy with my dogs. so just thought i say hi again from the North east. regards to everyone.
  12. Have you thought about using a gundog trainer? who can see whats he upto help sort your pup out. I'd give up on the treat idea , he only take advantage of that.Labs ar greedy so and so especially pups..
  13. Taken early morning in the wet grass. Regards Pam
  14. At 12 months you could break her training into 2 around 30 to 40 mins each. Still don't want her getting bored with her training. Regards.
  15. Have you been over on Nobs forum, Plenty of us Northerns. More than happy to try and help on Nobs if they can.(national organsionation of beaters and picking up) Regards tipper
  16. Only 1 beautiful black boy is available, out of a outstanding litter of 8 pups. He is vet checked & has a vet letter. He is KC reg. 6 weeks free insurnace, 5 generation pedigree sheet, 2 kg of his Puppy food . He just had his first puppy injection. He is flea treated and wormed upto date. Make great family pets or working dogs. The pups will have many FTCH and FTW in pedigrees.with bloodlines like Shadowbrae, Drakeshead, Endacott and many more.The sire is out of FTCh Brockweir Vanda of Shadowbrae & FTCh Endacott Stoer of Quabrook Both parents hea
  17. Hi In Cleveland Hartlepool,, Regards pam
  18. Hope everyone don't mind a few pictures of my old girl. I do like show here off now again to remind her she still loved alot
  19. First you stand go awwwwwwwwwwwwww cutie loverly baby . Then here you are 2 x 50p's for luck in the hand. Then they come back in 18 years later, you gave me a quid can you now give me a grand Pam
  20. Can't stand the kiddies birdie song, someone needs to sort that bird out My hubby's music, He still has the clash on tape. Ho what I love to do to clash Robbie william Think I said enough Pam
  21. I am taking contact details now
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