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Posts posted by logman

  1. Certain things? Cant i mention elephants because their protected? I can usually see where your coming from MOLLY but i honestly think that this is ridiculous.Whats un acceptable about it,enlighten me

    If you really do not understand what may be unacceptable by now then there is very little point trying to explain.


    MOLLY if i had given an account of a badger being baited recently,then yes that would be unacceptable, but talking about badgers is obviously not.

    As you so obviously think i am of limited intelligence, then i think it would be the charitable thing to explain to me and probably a few others, what is unacceptable about a thread regarding the discussion of badgers,NOT any illegal activity regarding them.

  2. molly you are toatally [bANNED TEXT] but where do we stop?.dont mention the rabbits actually die..dont say that the fox was shot in the head...oh no the mink wasnt snared.....nothing i said was surgesting a active law breaking activity just ,,,,,,the past,,,,,,,ps dont talk about the war youle piss the germans off...



    Most other people seem to have no problems making posts. Im sure you are aware certain things are really not acceptable, and drawing attention to them....draws attention to them ;)


    Certain things? Cant i mention elephants because their protected? I can usually see where your coming from MOLLY but i honestly think that this is ridiculous.Whats un acceptable about it,enlighten me

  3. Just starting to take mine out now countryman. Is it raining down there now? they've been keeping on with severe weather warnings all day.


    Regards Rob

    Just had a hell of a downpour go over,think weve had about 25/30mm today! I can fell the ground soaking it up like a sponge,at last.

    Has it made its way up to Somerset yet?

  4. Went out for an hour last night with my three year old bitch.

    Getting fed up with all the road walking and seeing as weve had about a foot of rain down here in the last 24 hours i thought the ground would be soft enough for a run or two.Theres no substitute for actual work in getting a dog really fit IMO.

    Anyway wasnt out long,she ran five and picked up three,which i was well chuffed with for her first night back :)






    Might be a bit early for some but im glad i went out, seeing her run in that beam again really got my heart racing and filled me with anticipation for the coming season.

    Just got to get the pup going aswell now!





    Hows the ground around you and when will you all be starting?

  5. Welcome to the site.


    Boy oh Boy have you opened up a can of worms.....


    Be prepared to hear a lot of bad things said about the man.


    The important thing to remember that it is you how will make that dog, the breeding is a big factor but you will have a star dog if you put the time in.


    Hancock, breeds puppies that is what he does. So be aware of that, it means that his puppies don't get as much socialisation as puppies brought up by a family or occasional breeder. The longterm effects of this are disputable if you get your puupy at 8 weeks. (This paragragh will get shouted down but that is to be expected).


    Hancock breeds precise crosses, if you order a puppy from him you will knkow exactly what it will turn out like in terms of size and to some degree ability.


    As regards to crosses, if this is your first dog then a 1/2 cross can be quite demanding to train you might want to look at a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie.


    If you are looking to catch a lot of large rabbits then forget a 1/2 cross, it won't get near them in the daytime. Even a 3/4 bred will struggle.


    That said a 1/2 cross is a brilliant cross and has stamina to burn.


    I am not sure if he has a beardie/border stud dog at moment, phone him and check.


    If you are after a dog that will take pretty much anything then maybe a 3/8 5/8 will suit you.


    For sure you are going to get quite a few replies on here.


    I've had a hancock dog and he was brilliant, only faults he had were my mistakes in training. He was a gentle soul except when chasing something.


    Most people who have them are happy with them, Hancock sells a lot of dogs each year and some are bound to go to people who can't train them etc and they are the ones who will shout him down. It might not be any fault of their own Collie crosses just don't suit some people.


    Borders tend to be a bit full on and Beardies a bit reserved. the Cross between the two in My opinion is mustard. But horses for courses.


    If you want a collie cross get it as a puppy, collie crosses don't do well when passed around.


    Hope this helps you.



    This has to be the most senible post i have read on any forum, and correct :clapper:

    Ill second that mate,a lot of sense their, obviously from expierience too and not books

  6. I would NEVER leave any of my dogs alone with my kids and I trust them as much as you can ever trust an animal. Kids move, sound and act different to adults and this can cause problems with pack structure. I seen a few bad bites, had a couple myself and could never forgive myself if my dog bit one of my kids.


    Never worth the risk.............

    Wise words there mate

  7. My preference is for white or light coloured dogs





    I like to work them with my terriers flushing the cover on downs near where i live and find that its much easier to keep track of a light dog against this sort of background.

    I personally think that its the million candle power lamp in your hand that attracts peoples attantion at night and not a white dog anyway :)

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