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Posts posted by logman

  1. Ditchy mate, leave any Husky stuff well alone.

    If you want a pair of saw trousers youve got too go for Sthil, But the HI-Flex variety, safest on the market but are just like a pair of jeans when on.

    Same advice as regards saws themselves, BUY STHIL. I earn my living with these machines so thats the angle im coming from :)

  2. this is the attidute thats got us where we are today , my ways better than your way , you shouldnt be doing that , what a utter load of bollox . there has allways been hare drives and lads have still found hares to course season after season . its all fieldsports . united we stand devided we have fallen .why cant folk keep their big noses out of what other folk are doing . i dont want to go shooting but i dont want to argue my way is better than someone elses. ffs . my point being if you dont want to do something then dont , but dont try and stop someone else . happy new year big liseners .

    See the above post my freind :icon_redface:

  3. Bully. i usually agree with you mate, but your wrong this time mate :laugh:

    A coursed hare is caught or is free, a hare shot maywell be wounded, thats just unpleasant.

    Anyone can do what they please, thats whats its all about. But coursing IS THE most humane and sporting way of taking hares :)

  4. Quick update......

    Been doing a bit of shooting at a freinds indoor range hes got set up in an old chicken shed.

    Have been managing to put groups of 5 shots in to a ping pong ball size space at 35 yards :)

    Have bought a tin of Air Arms Fields, they seem to have helped a lot. W hat do the rest of you think of these pellets?

  5. Poor pic i know, i but ive just got a Tactical XL.



    My first rifle, i really like it and after a fair bit of practice im pretty good withg at around 30-35 yards, maybe a tennis ball area on 5 shots. I know its nothing special but what should i be trying for with this gun?

  6. Never thought a great deal of Junior, Tolstoy himself however, one of the greatest novelists of all time.

    War and peace is one of the few "classics" that lives up to its name. Ibsen, another of my favourite literary Russians. The doll house is another"Classic"

    Im fairly fond of the Russian "school" but dont really rate the latter Tolstoys(did the Jrs brother also write, i think?)

  7. Picture231.jpg




    Heres my picks of the meet today. :yes:



    Took some today of the Fourburrow hunt, over 70 riders turned out :yes:

    WHAT BAN? The sports got more support than ever and i look forward to it for many years to come.

    Im getting drunk at the in laws tonlght so ill post some pics when i get home :D:drink:


    your wright countryman "what ban " it hasnt stopped the fox hunting at all , thats why there is no more marches , nothing on TV , every one happy !!!!!!when the loop holes are closed and hunting stoped you wont get me to no more marches ........talking to a hunt follower today and he said its better than ever "no more clowns with lurchers & terriers running round killing all the foxes " his exact words ,I felt like punching this posh TIT in the mouth.... what did we march for ??? snoty b*****ds , who wouldnt give a f**k if every lurcher was destroyed ......and before every one jumps on this with the , "Im a working class man who follows the hounds " f**k off %99 of the hunt people talk through there noses, lardy f*****g da........



    If it was just lurcher & terrier work that was banned , would the hunt people march for us ......

    Divide and rule :hmm:

  8. Millet/Darcy a few questions, im new to this sort of hunting and wanted to know what the best weather conditions are and moon phase for roost shooting? Any advice will be gratefully received :)

    Actually thats only one question not a few, give me a minute, ill think of some more :11:

  9. Will this conversion fit the XL Lightining?

    Just bought myself a Tactcal XL for christmas, and i love it :yes:

    What are the main advantages of the gas ram then?(this is my first air rifle.

    Another question actually lads, are the BSA Supertens as good as they look, i want one!



    Heres my Tactical XL.

  10. Yeah, that adult dog is mine. A handy bushing dog used regularly in the field and a valuable member of my little pack. I would say a good cross for the job. My dogs mother was worked to ground and its father was from a grouse moor game keeper.

    Every dog from the litter looked totally different, good luck selling the pups mate, they shold make good dogs

  11. Heres a couple of pics of one of my favourite local spots, i work this rough ground with my little pack of terriers and lurchers and lots of the farm land below i lamp, so its my little bit of heaven!





    What do you think?

    Anyone think they can beat that for a veiw?

    CORNWALL- Gods country my freinds

  12. Dont own a Plummer, but havnt got anything against them. infact as some of you know id quite fancy one myself. But, and its a fairly big BUT aswell, im into my ratting and my bushing so its a sporting terrier that i like not neccesarilly what most would call a working terrier.

    It seems to me that if people just excepted that Plummers where sporting dogs rather than"working" ones there would be far less disagrement.

    If people want a digging dog that stands off its fox then why not use a Russel?

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