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Posts posted by mC HULL
54 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:
Because it's business money talks bull shit walks.
yanks get syria putin gets ukraine
11 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:
We need to do what Syria have done a drive the f****r out.
at we’ve drived assad out not his own ffs mate another country we have ruined
prefer one dog lol
11 minutes ago, Goly said:
It wasn't a habit pal, it was either the first or one of the first times it ever caught a rabbit. It was never soft mouthed mind, hares and rabbits were always dead when he caught them.
some do it first few of season mine eats heads first few he gets
6 minutes ago, Goly said:
My last lurcher didn't need a dropper to get it's mouth going, the little c**t half swallowed a rabbit at 6-7 months old, had to pull the cnut out it's throat. Lol
ye they crunch swallow regurgitate then do it again like snakes lol
3 minutes ago, green lurchers said:
It’s turning into a Eurovision Song Contest lol
known him it be shitty shitty bang bang lol
6 minutes ago, NEWKID said:
Sorry mate that don't make sense..
Why would you slip a 5 month pup on a dropped rabbit at 150 yards, when they're nearly at the hedge?
Your putting the pup.at a disadvantage which most won't make up. Surely your first runs with any pup you stack all.tje odds in the pups favour.. im not into droppers personally, and at that age the pup would be exposed to a bit of ferreting , holding rabbits in the nets etc..
The first few runs would-be on a wet and windy night, walking right up to squatters and slipping straight away, middle of field put all the odds on the pup catching them.. f**k giving a rabbit 150 yard head start on a 5 month pup, you'll sicken them that way...
gets there mouth going lol
7 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:
Give over ffs makes the video even better. Scotty come on. Lol. Chavy as f**k. Like a said wouldn't be so bad if it had some country music or something that fitted the area. But f***ing Eminem lol
it’s hard finding songs 5 mins long never mind dogs last that long lol
my generation were the chavs bangers lol
you sort me the song for the next un i’ll tell him
she can box em
for fun but that is is that strong shes holding on at points at cover holes shes just keeping tight not doing out making the hare think one mistake that’s home it had already been half a mile down a farm track she had to bust a lung just to keep at same distance then around farm building bracket pile then back down track honest you ain’t killing that hare easy
were are all the runs of the gruellers getting killed on you tube ?
i slip me red birch with that whippet the other day she would of left it mate
6 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:
A like confidence in dogs that will strike at any opportunity a get the job done. Can't do with dogs that just drive the b*****ds. On decent land you know they'll make the ground back up if the strike doesn't work out.
mate that’s a strong winter buck kicking 60
yds 3half min in one little mistake that’s home a dog won’t make 100 yds up 3 times on there i’ve got kills under a min she will splatter them if she can but not many dogs killing that one mate im telling you
5 minutes ago, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:
Good pick up at the end of the run the bitch throws herself at it and goes arse over tit delivering a deadly strike, I didn’t notice it the first time I watched it but 2nd time I seen her legs go up in the air
you spotting it mate she committed fully she missed it would of been game over
3 hours ago, scotty12 said:
Great run mc well done, love the music makes the video even better
me pal did it mine was other day were no music next time i’ll put each up lol mourning c**ts lol
2 minutes ago, Goly said:
Anything is better than all that huffing & puffing! Lol
you have to huff puff mate lol you walking pluss adrenaline the breathing heavy to keep camera in place its mad
me young pal fit as out likes his boxing training etc arms have inches on yours mate and hes only 21 lol
bangers there loads a hares mate say you have ten blocks a land at tenish mile to walk each block there and back ill say ten but i have more in 20 weeks season 2 time a week that 40 times say 2 a time is 8 hares each block gone that os nothing the road take ten times that
5 minutes ago, Black neck said:
Bit of Conway twitty would of suited better dave
i leave that to the youngster mate songs like thats one show how long the run is most couldnt sing it without been out a breath lol
2 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:
Four days rest ffs Mc your guna kill off all the hares in the area then you'll be saying like many there's f**k all around here. Because you've killed off all the quarry not letting them breed for next season. Were in middle of Feb now ffs. Leave the c**ts to breed now. Killing off the sport by taking. It's horse for course. Here. Your thinking good run because it's taken 5 mins. This time of year an if many are with young. That's f***ing bad
what ?last year i was finished well truly by now this year as scotty said beginning a jan ice shit its still wet cold mate
there flying best they have been this year when i see em pairing hares all over i can get 3 runs in minutes ill stop well ill stop just before that
its a big strong buck mate you have to peak a dog to stop them strong ones like that been a 20 sec run for most dogs that
bitch have nice 4 days rest now
i wish i had camcorder on this one i had it all from were i was lol
3 minutes ago, Goly said:
Mate come on, pups can and do catch rabbits at 6, 7 month old. A saluki cross is no different mate, bring them on right and they will do the job.
just take them out everyday off the lead bombing about they start thereself mate
6 minutes ago, Black neck said:
30 on um wrecking a village no coppers yet they got time 2 harras mc outside his house meanwhile
im off back for me prize soon mate hassle going back but i aint leaving the dog grub lol
5 minutes ago, low plains drifter said:
The Enigma code is deployed as and when the rural crime officer is cutting about
between me and you mate they wouldnt stand a chance and dont even get me started on black neck lol
30 minutes ago, Goly said:
Is she your weapon of choice when the hares are their best?
she a excellent little bitch mate but i had a match life depended on it i’d take me dog white un
but he’s pure hassle eye sight unbelieveable and deer everywhere he can make the day a f***ing nightmare real quick lol
Plane safety.
in General Talk
better taking the cruise lol