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About wasp

  • Rank
    Stubby's Missus
  • Birthday 26/08/1971

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  • Interests
    Hunting,fishing,Ferretting,designing and making leather goods,Designing and sewing stuff....if you want something custom made contact me.
  1. What nobody on this forum has pet insurance?
  2. Ive always found winter rabbit to have a good fat content to it, although I do also feed dry
  3. the forum seems to be tits up at mo, so having to use my missus's screen name to get on, not having used any other semi before, I dont find the button to be an inconvinience, but can understand if the pidgeons were coming in quick, it may hamper loading a little, but seems they have now brought out a mk2 version that deals with that, the button has been removed and is now located on the bottom loading tray, so the cartridge pushes the button in, as your loading the gun, or you flick it when loading one in the barrel stubby
  4. Well the bunny is safe for now cos it also came with another smaller hutch which its quite happy in so its a nice friendly blue coloured thing....anyone want it? as a pet i mean!
  5. Awww fanks guys Now who wants to guess what stubby bought me for my birthday...that the numpty risked his life by riding 2 half miles [bANNED TEXT] one eye covered just to pick me up a card and a pressie...go on ask what it was all for....
  6. OOOh you gonna spend that on my birthday pressie?
  7. they broke the mould when they made you hun....

  8. The video of them going out on the call to a guy apparently trapped under a car! but turned out not to be as serious as first thought and they were told to stand down...so back they came Thanks for all the nice words guys..i just got to a time in my life when i thought its time to give something back so to speak
  9. What you lot on about don't you mean good on you Samm cos He did'nt want her back...i did
  10. She's going no where near that dirty old shed! first thing i did was give her a bath she was filthy! she's lovely and clean and she's staying that way....the jrt's get dirty not my bully Oh and she has a huge bed in the house..snigger snigger
  11. She is adorable and in typical bull terrier fashion pulls like a train mmmm i feel some rollerboots coming on lol oh and yes stubby my dear better behave yourself or the bulls having your side o the bed!
  12. What do you mean Richie...would'nt want to deprive the ferrets of their daily snack now would we lol
  13. she's a f****g hypocrite...bet she feeds her dog meat, and all that crap she sticks on her face was probaly made with some sort of animal by product in it...she wears leather....oh 'll just shut up or i'll eally get p****d off
  14. Actually he's married to me and those that know me know i always have different coloured hair
  15. Last year we saw loads of black rabbits yet this year have'nt seen none! :search:
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