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Everything posted by comeonsteveuk

  1. donnyc check you p ms and emails mate
  2. wise words skycat hes still a pup may take 3 to 4 months yet good luck nice pup
  3. sorry to here that mate will ask and keep a eye out for you middx area . hope you find the barstewards who took them .
  4. hi donnyc regarding this young j/r bitch pup would you give me a pm or a ring thanks steve
  5. hi mate try vitamin Ceffervescent from sainsburys dissoive 1/2 a tablet in warm water per day and it stops them geting cramp as well mine have it dayly with here food and a drop of cooking oil it work well
  6. i wish you lived nearer like them two good luck finding go homes for them
  7. i'll second that Wilf, take ages to heal properley. my bitches stoppers are a lot smaller and 'flusher' than they used ti be.... also my wallets a lot lighter than it used to be! and im not as flush as i used to be! Steveuk, is your dog working 100% normal without its stoppers? be interested to hear from you mate. My vet advised not to remove them as they protect the somthing or other in the dogs wrist... Interesting subject this.. my own bitch just about comming right from a knocked up stopper.. will be out this weekend with her, wrapped up to be on the safe side. Pain in
  8. hi mate i bought 3 of these collars identical to yours for 15 pound each at a game fair are u from scotland way if so why have they gone up so much in price i will say thou they are the best collar,s ive ever bought had them 2 years and there stil going strong GLAD THE COLLARS ARE LASTING WELL,THE COLLARS YOU BOUGHT MUST BE THE SINGLE THICKNESS BRIDLE LEATHER ONES THAT WE SELL FOR 17.50 NOW THESE WOULD HAVE BEEN 25.00 UNLESS YOU HAD A GOOD DEAL THESE ARE VERY HEAVY DUTY COLLARS, ALL THE BEST hi jim this is steve warrens dad the lurcher leads and collars you made me 10 years ago are th
  9. hi my dogs all ways was troulbe i whent to a greyhound vet he said no prob i take them off for you cost me £45.00 she was runing hard 10 days after dew cloaws / stopers nightmere not again get them off
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