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About jimi

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. I had a rapid7 in .22 for 12 years and i had great fun with it but i decided i would like a change. So i went for an AA s410 classic in .177 and i am so glad i made the change. You have a flat trajectory and a much faster fps. the accuracy is unbelievable too.
  2. I have shot so many squirrels in the back garden that i have not seen 1 for months now,they must know that when they enter my garden they never leave. JIM
  3. They go mad for a woodie mate. JIM
  4. They both get through the woodie very quickly and they love em to bits. JIM
  5. 1 day if i am lucky they start with the head and move down. There is nothing left apart from a few feathers. JIM
  6. Got this woodie from my back garden.
  7. e-bay would be your best bet. JIM
  8. Hi Might be interested but i think your asking price is too steep for a second hand lamp mate. JIM
  9. I have a s410 in .177 and i love it to bits and i cant see myself going back to .22 for hunting. JIM
  10. Tempted,what are they like with other dogs? JIM
  11. Hi I am in hertfordshire and i am intrested in your rifle,can we arrange a meet? JIM
  12. Thanks for all the kind replys people. JIM
  13. This is her first time in my house with the dog.
  14. The polecat is one of the best working ferrets i have ever had but i have not had time to take the jill out yet. JIM
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