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Everything posted by salukiman

  1. New to this game and need some guidence. I have a beddy/whippet and a saluki/greyhound. I need somebody to take me out for a shine,the beddy whippet is now 7 months and i was hoping that someone would let us come and watch thier dogs work to help her get the idea of what she should be doing.she is catching rabbits day time out walking (2 now both mixi) in the forrest. problem is like most newbies i dont have anyone to show to show me how. i live in the fens in norfolk not to far from cambridge. i have transport and can travel. can anyone help please.
  2. hi ya,i think as you are in somewhat the same pos as me ,however in a diferent land what u should do is stop training and start planning.mistakes that are made now (which we all do)can have lasting effects.start with the basics,get a real strong bond with the dog/bitch,and start with the lead/ recal and its name.when u have given the name u have to never use it as punnishment,a dog that assosiates its name with a telling off wont come back to it. praise when a task is compleated, it is up to u how, fuss or food. now mooving on is sit ,lay down stay and heel.as i am sure u know with other dogs
  3. colie xgrey/bedxwhippet she does well on smaller stuff. i aslo have a coliexgrey/salukixgrey but will have to wait and see as he is 13 weeks.
  4. hi fella i have to agree with others,i livein the fens and things are great out here ,the game is great and it is a great test for your dog,massive flat open land and long ears the size of munties. but beware the old bill are hot they will kn ow the land better then u and come on quods ,foot,4x4,heli think about it for your dog cause a game keeper wont think twice about shooting your dog if he catches u at it all the best
  5. hasnt that gone back to court does anyone know the ressult or am i wrong
  6. i have just invested in a new dog.saluki xdeerhoundxgrey he comes from good working perrents who both take fox.i have no intention of running him yet as he is a puppy but at what age would you run a dog on fox
  7. cheers for the advice i have done most of her basic training she retrieves to hand most of the time sits stays and comes back,finding walking to heel a problem.i will try what you said hope it works as i think she will be good when the penny drops. cheers again
  8. she is 15 months' i am in the norfolk fens,problem is that i dont know anyone else who has lurchers.
  9. could someone help how do i get my bed/whippet looking for rabbits with its eyes and not its nose.i am a novice at this and have no mentor.
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