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Posts posted by Jonjon79


    What rifles are the mate?

    HW100 .22 and a Falcon FN19 .22...

    If it's not off by much, it could be that the cylinder has caused the barrel band to shift slightly when the rifle was filled.


    Or, like Rez says, it could just be one of those pcp phenomena that we must just live with.

  2. Fury is a tough gypo. He's probably grown up knowing hard work and fighting. Putting weight on and off like that is hard work itself.


    I'll be surprised if he loses in the rematch. His fitness and stamina would have come right up as a by product of the hardwork that he's done to lose the weight.


    Personally, I find his gob cringe worthy but, very entertaining.

    • Like 1
  3. I have not to long re joined the Air Rifle Community and have a BSA Scorpion SE .177 and a Ultra SE .22 both work and do their job and more to the point All Mine, if Crap then My Crap. Hindsight is as we all know after the fact, but not always a good thing. Every Air Rifle I shot in the 1960s - 70s and up to the early 1980s for me was a joy and The Dogs Gonads. Just wonder if there is too much of a good thing Now Days?


    All the best


    There's no crap there Renos. 2 quality rifles and a nice set up covering both calibres :good:


    I've had a few rifles now while trying to decide what I want. I concluded that some of the supposedly top of the range, exotic, electronic rifles are an over engineered expensive pain in the arse. Give me an accurate, simple, mechanical type experience any day.

    • Like 2
  4. I also find that relaxing - it seems a bit ironic considering that we're firing a gun.


    At the risk of sounding like a flowery twat - I think it's relaxing because of the calmness and concentration needed to take a good shot. My groups go to shit when I'm tense.


    Nice groups. I keep reading good things about those pellets at the moment.

    • Like 3
  5. I popped in for my second visit today. It's a nice place, set in woodland in the Wiltshire countryside. The weather was good - Warm, not too sunny and, very little wind.


    Little 'un and me went down there on Wednesday for a first look. She loved it.


    Davy, Si and Laura were all there today. Laura is lovely. The other two are ok. Although, after seeing her shoot, I reckon the decent shots on VHTV are hers, carefully edited to look like Si and Davys ;)


    The 55yrd range is good. It's in among the trees with some fairly challenging targets. One of which is a bell target with an 8mm hole set up at 27yrds (if I remember correctly).


    I took along my .22 TX200hc and .177 HW100kt. It turned out that both of my scopes were slightly canted to the left. I didn't notice until Davy pointed it out and attached a level. I also discovered that when I shoot, I pull the rifle in and tilt it to the right. After this was sorted, I even managed to get a few .22 FAPs into that sodding bell target :rolleyes:


    I've never tried HFT before so, after a little plinking, I took the HW100 for a walk along the lanes. I enjoyed it. I felt that it came pretty close to taking the rifle for a walk on a permission, just without the bonus of something to cook afterwards :)


    But, I reckon a couple of squirrel feeders on the 55yrd range could work well ;)


    I found it to be typical of this sport - A very helpful bunch of guys - Not just the guys running the place, the other visitors as well. Indeed, on Wednesday they even took the time to chat to my daughter and show an interest in her rifle and what she had to say. First class guys - Thank you!


    I gather there's a few events in the pipeline - I know it's a bit of a trek for some of you but, maybe I'll get to meet some of you there one day.




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  6. Well, for the record, I own 2 Springers and, Though neither is a Prosport, I'm firm in the believe that they are all I will ever need.....


    1 is a TX200hc .22 in walnut that I have owned for a relatively short period of time. I'm still trying to master this one.


    The other is a single barrel, pump action, yogurt rifle. I have owned this for 37yrs although, I have only really used it in anger for the last 20yrs. The power has never dropped but, I am aware of it's limited range (it does tend to produce a lot of flyers)


    So, with that knowledge, I tend to use the TX mainly for targets at the moment and, the other for, preferably, heart and lung shots at a maximum distance of 1.5yrd.



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