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im looking for a new ferret dont mind if its a hob or jill. would rather working but if not ive got time to bring it on.


some twat killed my last one this morning with his dog after he told me it was broken to ferrets.


so when a rabbit bolted out of an unseen hole he sliped his dog the dog missed it and come back and as he did the ferret poked his head out of the hole, and before we could grab the dog it picked it up and shook it to death

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Oh thats awfull to hear , i am very sorry to read your bad news, chin up :victory: i am sure someone on here will have a ferret or two they can pass on to you , or there will be a few kits around in a month or two :)

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thanks ferretlove.


i wanted to punch the little prick but he was my lift home and he offered to pay for another one.


I would have got the lift home,took the money for the ferret then punched him :laugh::laugh:

Seriously(spelling)sorry to hear about your ferret mate,there should be a few young ones about soon

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sorry to hear that mate :( ive got a young albino jill you can have if you want im in the north eaqst :drink: :thumbs-up:


ive just picked upa polecat jill from the boro today from a lad off this site ,




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