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About selldawg

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    west yorkshire
  1. I know this is an old thread but....what a twit! Obviously he's never owned one.
  2. Cheers neil, spot on rapid very clean at a cracking price. thanks again
  3. I have one here casperlad or anyone else who's interested same but the black version Pm me
  4. Tiny bit tidier than yours though mate? Cheers, D. And that one didn't even sell!
  5. They mk2s at that price or still in box?
  6. Lovely black action career mk2 in 22. £350 no offers will come in bits but everything their and shoot mint, good/very good condition. Full lengh version ring for details 07872427883 Atb mark In leeds
  7. Surprised if you get one of these mate, never seen a 16". 25 don't even think they made em. I'd advertise for any lengh and chop it down! Why 16" anyway longer the better for me got a 21" 25 and a 24" 25. Excellent cal
  8. Ye I'll take it matey pm me ur pay pal ad and price +post and send u my ad thanks Colin Atb mark
  9. The young ones only 8 so just want to make sure it's small and light enough. Thanks mate
  10. Hi Colin do you know the model so I can look it up mate.
  11. Would you be interested in a px with a pulsar challenger with everything Inc a n1000 ir lazer with cash your way? Least then you use your normal scope and ad nv to it as and when. Atb mark
  12. What's wrong with em mate, and what are they?
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