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mole control

Guest tawny

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just an observation..... i was called to clear a golf course where the last mole killer had used gas over a period of a few months. when i asked the maneger wher have all the song birds gone and that there were no feeding birds he answer wasnt a surprise. "" no mate, havent seen many birds since he started""


whys that you have to ask, simple, gas not only kills the moles(sometimes) it kills all the bugs and worms and insect life that birds need to flurish.


second thing i asked was why he wasnt still using the mole killer with the gas, he answered..


" seemed to work for a while but then they returned and the cost was becoming to expensive""




i suppose thats why he called in a mole catcher to finish off what a mole killer started, strange thing is, 3 yrs later i still have this course on my books as a regular customer. :whistling:

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CHALKY :thumbs::whistling: i was thinking if it was only 400 mole hills and i got my traps in ok, that i would be expecting 100%, obviously i was right in thinking gas really aint all it is cracked up to be. :hmm: Sounds like you would be getting a lot of call backs with that stuff. :thumbdown:

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You can usually tell when a cluster of hills belogs to one mole run, so if you only get hills re-apear in one cluster out of 10, 90% success! :D

I am glad to hear that my reply sounds proffessional, it should do, it's my job. Being part of a BPCA accredited pest control company, we have pride in our work and knowledge of the things that we deal with. This is why our customers use us.

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You can usually tell when a cluster of hills belogs to one mole run, so if you only get hills re-apear in one cluster out of 10, 90% success! :D

I am glad to hear that my reply sounds proffessional, it should do, it's my job. Being part of a BPCA accredited pest control company, we have pride in our work and knowledge of the things that we deal with. This is why our customers use us.


Many thanks for your most erudite and professional reply...its a wee bit vague,.but extremely polite... :clapper:

I envy you,..your obvious confidence and self belief,...wish I was so sure of things.... :hmm:

Cheers,.CHALKWARREN.... :drink:

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Guest foxtrack
it aint got to be done in the dry thats what it says on the cans moisture

cant realy get into the aplicator so i dont think thats a prob

all i ask is what do the boys think best talunex or phostoxin


Just a question from a non mole catcher,surely if you was using the gas in the rain it would mix with the poison and give off a cloud of toxins,with which you would be dead.so surely it is best to use it when the weather is dry?.If its a daft question then sorry,but as i said i have never gased moles.

oh god there's another one wishing my life away :angel:

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I just want to clear something up. We do a follow-up visit to "mop up" the ones that don't get gassed the first time, and 90% is fiar for a first visit of that size. Gas is effective when used correctly. For the pest controller to kill off all the worms and insect life (wich I seriously doubt) he must have used gas by the tonne, and he was definately doing something wrong. The gas only stays active for around 1-2 days before it has completely degraded. Moles will re-populate old runs regardless of the method used to kill the previous occupant.

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Guest foxtrack
I would NEVER use gas in wet weather! :thumbdown:

why ? because the tutor who taught you said it was no good and dangeous

did he also say that the flasck can exploade once oppend ?

well its all bull mate

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BTW the NPTA doesn't mean a great deal when anyone who can write a cheque for £70 (ish) can be a member.

The BPCA on the other hand is a form of quality control, with exams for members, audits for the company, quality control checks with customers, and many other measures in place to ensure that the customer gets the job done correctly and safely.

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so what do customers and paid members get from a mamber of the bpca or the npta?


this i have to hear


I'm not sure what you're asking?



you said you work for a bpca acredited company, just wondered what that gives the customer as well as those who belong to such a organisation?

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Guest foxtrack

well i asked a simple question ? well so i thought

and none of you on here can give me a answear

thank god i know myselfe :clapper::clapper:

gas is ok if you know how to use it other than that id say traps all the time

thanks for your replys



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