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Too calm?

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Some times when its calm is the best time to shoot rabbits or birds :thumbs:


Firstly you get the chance to finely tune your combo onto the cross hair at you zero range and secondly, static hunting over a warren is ideal in calm conditions :thumbs: .


If you arrive half hour before the rabbits come out and your sat in you camo gear with your combo ready and its silenced you can quite often get more bunnies than you would if you were stalking mate :gunsmilie: .



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I like Calm conditions (but not foggy like it is round here tonight). Like Zini say's sniping over a warren is superb in calm conditions :yes: (my nickname elsewhere is 'The Cotton Tail Assassin' because I love to assassinate them as they leave the warren).


I also hunt into the wind very well.


The great thing about tonight and indeed the next few nights, is there is little or no Luna shine.

this helps a tremendous amount as its unlikely that your face/hands etc will be illuminated.



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Thanks fellas but maybe i should have titled it 'Too cold'. Been out for a couple of hours and it's bleeding freezing! More stars than I've ever seen and frosty grass did not make for a good time but I'll get my first rabbit yet. Only been at it a couple of month, by accident really as i bought my son a second hand ultra .22 and now go out with it myself.

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Hey Chriso,


You will be delighted when you get your 1st I guarentee it :gunsmilie:


I know all about the frustrations of the cold, Last week I had two pairs of gloves on and my fingers were killing me because of the cold.

It takes practise to control both your breathing AND the shivering :yes:


Good luck on your first :thumbs: That one will stay with you forever :victory:



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hi chris

some say its too still,its to cold,its to hot,its pissing down,to windy 5mph.dont listen to these peeps :thumbdown: as they are the ones who dont experiance any of this. the only condition i wont shoot in is fog! and it has to be over my zero!

going out in all conditions will make you a better hunter IMO so go out and enjoy,but prepare for the condtions your going out in :thumbs:





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:clapper: Well said davy pal :thumbs:


It will only make you a better hunter if you get out and deal with what Mother Nature throws at you.




And boy did she throw it at me this aft :censored: She can be a real bitch you know.


Arrived at the permission one in the bag within a few minutes :clapper:

I'll do a quick write up on another thread and you can read all. So much for (Quoting Forecast) "A very early return to fog because of the clear skies"........ lying cow!



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