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I was out this morning walking my dog. I then came across this munty which was in situ around 100yrds from the wood.

In the past we have had some dog men coursing CWD in the area with crap dogs that cannot finish a deer off, unless 3 dogs are on it! Or to say the least cannot get up to them! lol.........


Anyway, this one has no obvious marks around the neck, it hasn't been shot. The back leg is broken though.


What could of killed this? Dog/s? Badly placed shot?



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Probely a road accident...

With a broken leg and no other visable injurys.

Unfortunatly wounded animals can cover some amount of distance before there dimise..

T 7

Edited by tiny 7
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what a propaganda coup for the antis this thread is you get a bloke putting a picture up of a decaying deer and hinting that it might be coursers with crap dogs that need to put three dogs on a deer to kill it it cant have been hit by a car although its suffered a broken leg because the nearest road is two miles away (the pic must have been taken in texas then because ive travelled most of the country and theres not much countryside left thats not with in two miles of a road ) get real lads theres no outward signs of any injuries apart from the obvious signs of a broken leg and thats what as been the cause of its death its obvious that animal as been hit by a car and probably suffered internal injuries to go with it theres enough shit being put about now by the antis and rspca with giving them more ammunition like hunting people putting pics up on hunting sites and suggesting that illegal hare coursing people are doing this to deer this pic and the rediculous suggestions that go with it could well appear in the future in some bullshit literature printed by lacs i suggest that the mods remove this thread straight away whats the next project artic maybe a pic of a dead ewe on the hill somewhere and a suggestion that some bull cross owners have been out foxing with some crap dogs and killed it

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what a propaganda coup for the antis this thread is you get a bloke putting a picture up of a decaying deer and hinting that it might be coursers with crap dogs that need to put three dogs on a deer to kill it it cant have been hit by a car although its suffered a broken leg because the nearest road is two miles away (the pic must have been taken in texas then because ive travelled most of the country and theres not much countryside left thats not with in two miles of a road ) get real lads theres no outward signs of any injuries apart from the obvious signs of a broken leg and thats what as been the cause of its death its obvious that animal as been hit by a car and probably suffered internal injuries to go with it theres enough shit being put about now by the antis and rspca with giving them more ammunition like hunting people putting pics up on hunting sites and suggesting that illegal hare coursing people are doing this to deer this pic and the rediculous suggestions that go with it could well appear in the future in some bullshit literature printed by lacs i suggest that the mods remove this thread straight away whats the next project artic maybe a pic of a dead ewe on the hill somewhere and a suggestion that some bull cross owners have been out foxing with some crap dogs and killed it


Brookie you type the most utter rubbish at times! There is no road for 2 miles maybe 3 miles. There are 3 tracks leading to the woods. NOT ROADS. Please dont let me type the definition of a ROAD!


Now as for RSPCA, there are FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR more topics on here that can be used as evidence against us, infact the whole site can be used against us! So grow up and dont try and be smart!


And as for dog men running deers, thats a FACT. WE cannot hide or run away from that. IT STILL HAPPENS..... :)

I see dog men at least 3 times a month trying to run deer, hares etc on my door step. You do see alot living VERY rural Brookie! ;)


The famous word "AMMUNITON" it always has been with hunting sites. There might as well not be any hunting sites if we have the same views as you.


Yes MODS delete if you wish and make Brookie happy. I will have no issues with this and i wont be posting a "WHERE HAS MY POST GO" thread.... ;)

Edited by artic
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dont gte caught walking the dogs around that deer, some one will think you dogged it.


Victor, the deer was taken away and taken to the farm house and was not wasted.


The hounds enjoyed it.

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well artic let me ask you something you say theres three miles of tracks. yea leading to the woods so your obviously living in an area of dense forestry then . ideal for deer that habitat is but not for hare coursing my old mate i have been coursing for years mate and lamping and ferreting and foxing and fishing and yes there are numerous hunting sites but they are not all open forums like this site is with out validation for membership you have to be reccomended first and as for typing rubbish youve beaten me to the punch with the shit youve already put up you put what you like up but dont think you can do so with out some form of reply and my reply to you mate is this dont put shite like that up and jeopardise further what ive done for a lifetime you have no evidence what so ever to suggest that coursing boys have done anything you sound to me like you have an attitude towards men with running dogs in general (ps whens the next lacs meeting are you going you just as well youll probably have a few pints bought for you)

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well artic let me ask you something you say theres three miles of tracks. yea leading to the woods so your obviously living in an area of dense forestry then . ideal for deer that habitat is but not for hare coursing my old mate i have been coursing for years mate and lamping and ferreting and foxing and fishing and yes there are numerous hunting sites but they are not all open forums like this site is with out validation for membership you have to be reccomended first and as for typing rubbish youve beaten me to the punch with the shit youve already put up you put what you like up but dont think you can do so with out some form of reply and my reply to you mate is this dont put shite like that up and jeopardise further what ive done for a lifetime you have no evidence what so ever to suggest that coursing boys have done anything you sound to me like you have an attitude towards men with running dogs in general (ps whens the next lacs meeting are you going you just as well youll probably have a few pints bought for you)


Ok, one more reply from me to you, then the "IGNORE" button will be pressed.


Where i live BROOKIE is very well known for CWD, MUNTJAC and very very good hare coursing, which i use to do for many years but stopped in 2004. Brookie you know it all and wear the t shirt dont you......... :D


Im on other sites and have replied to YOUR posts. (Yes we all have different user names). I do not need to Justify to you what i do, what i say, and how i say it.


I own running dogs and work them, i go out with my dogs and do what i and them enjoy doing. That is hunting.


Many on here have shot deer with me, coursed hares with me, ferreted, fished, the list is endless.


I enjoy what i do and have a very large amount of friends in the same game Brookie........




Brookie, next time before typing so much crap, just think about what you are typing.

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