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springador bitch 6 weeks old pick of litter

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top digger your a newbie back in your box your a brit mate so more than likley brake the law on a regular basis judging bye the name and your attitude you dont know me so do one.


and gnash pull at your self mate youv obv a sad life if all you do is read my posts all day what you do today ? iv been up the hills took piks of over 1000 geese had the three young lads and there dogs and 3 mates out had a look at 8 deer on some land and then gave the dog a slip on another bit ground the dogs still learning so he missed it i work my dogs and my mates every day so im alot more than what you call me.



So because you go hunting that gives you the right to deal unwanted dogs ?...you have a twisted outlook on life kreet and every story you tell is to suit you and your peddling ways........there is clearly no point telling you what you already know but try to deny i only hope the mods of this site have the moral fibre to stop you because you cant stop yourself.

As for a sad life,if my life ever became so sad that i had to resort to making a few quid from unwanted dogs i would hope my friends would pull me up....but your friends seem incapable of living their life without you selling dogs for them......now thats sad!

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Kreet my lad your grtting it in the neck again from fellow members for your dog selling your some lad but i know you will not give a toss good to know sue had the pup's and all is well with your old working dog


Keeping selling them dogs on mate and get as much cash as poss so you can party hard like you do


Ray must be making a mint of selling dogs on aswell LOL


Good luck my friend



I see you hold Kreet in great regard lol lol ,Kreet you sound a bit simple to me I agree with some get rid of this dog pedler

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i aint sticking up for kreet here but he is selling dogs some one doesnt want


theres people on this site breeding at least 2 litters a year that i know of.. aint these worse people than kreet ?

yet no one thinks of putting up posts saying ban these ?????

if kreet was to go the following people should go


misslurcherbitch (bred 3 litters this yr)


little ratcher

hartlepool hunter

dan currell



and theres loads more


ps if you dont like being in my list i dont care f**k OFF :D

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Guest alastair

more dogs that need a loving home,that kreet has found,your a magnet to them poor dogs fella,this site should not about peddling,if someone has posted more than say 2 litters/dogs a year they should be banned.do you offer a trail with all these dogs?will give money back if they dont do what you say?do you check they all jabbed/ vet checked.i dout it mate,cause your a chancer.

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how can i offer a trial with a 6 week old pup you idiot ?


as for lurchers iv sold yes all were offerd with trial but who wants a trial with a £50 lurcher in good condition ?


and as for thinking because i hunt i can peddle no where did i say that all i said was im out with my dog and my mates every day for a lot more time than most i try to post about it but cant resize all that good and to be honest cant be arsed when im given stick because a dog i say is a lakeland terrier has something like 1 eighth parson threw her when every twat and there pal boast about how bull like there paterdale is or there bullcross oh what a head these people are no diff than the twats that are breeding for a red nose and personaly its irelavant what its bloody head looks like aslong as it does its job !


there are two vewing this pup and the sire work today so ill keep all intrested informed.

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i aint sticking up for kreet here but he is selling dogs some one doesnt want


theres people on this site breeding at least 2 litters a year that i know of.. aint these worse people than kreet ?

yet no one thinks of putting up posts saying ban these ?????

if kreet was to go the following people should go


misslurcherbitch (bred 3 litters this yr)


little ratcher

hartlepool hunter

dan currell



and theres loads more


ps if you dont like being in my list i dont care f**k OFF :D

:clapper::clapper::clapper: oh dear who will the witch hunter general,s burn first :angel:
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