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Feeding rabbits to my dog...

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My dogs eat droppings when they are out mooching so no matter how I feed, worms are always an issue. I currently deworm them every 6 weeks but within a couple of days of that I'm already thinking 'they'll need worming soon'.


I haven't noticed any worms or cysts in their stools since puppyhood although that doesn't mean they have'nt had them or aren't about to be infested.



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My dogs eat droppings when they are out mooching so no matter how I feed, worms are always an issue. I currently deworm them every 6 weeks but within a couple of days of that I'm already thinking 'they'll need worming soon'.


I haven't noticed any worms or cysts in their stools since puppyhood although that doesn't mean they have'nt had them or aren't about to be infested.



my dogs never seem to have worms but i worm every 3 month regardless. i like to feed fresh raw and only freeze when theres room in the freezer!lol
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umm id say tyhat frezzing a rabbit aslong as it is 100% frfozen when you are going to de-frost it;. it should be alright. as my dog eats them like that i wormn him every 1 1/2 mounths and he never has them, but same thing with ferrets. ill give them the frozen ones and thay dont have worms...

ferrets don't get worms anyway full stop.(something to do with the digestive tract being too short) :thumbs: why do you worm your dog every 6 wk if you feel that freezing rabbit does kill worms?


cus i hunt with alot of scummie dogs. but alos because it's better to be safe than sorry. especaly with hert worms. oh any because the pills he gets are like in the time frame. needing 1 and 1/2 mounths untill another is need....

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feed my dogs rabbit every 3 days skinned etc worm every 3 months and flea monthly

pretty much the same as me for worming and flea'ing. i feed whatever raw is available,rabbit,venison or hare.i also buy in frozen tripe,chicken and beef mince.

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olli you sound like an eejit ,mate honestly if your a dog man you should no what to feed a dog ,mine get half a rabbit a day with there tripe and biscuit if you dont no what to do you shouldnt have dogs mate honestly im no perfection, but some of youse realy need to think for your self ,rather and [bANNED TEXT] shit , this is supposed to be ahunting channel about hunting not a feching joke , a good dog man can look at a dog and tell if hees heavy or just [bANNED TEXT] ,by the way the dog looks or acts or by his tiolet nne does or by the scales ,

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