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Running dog fitness

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As the season is approaching fast now :gunsmilie: , I presume everybody else is beginning to concentrate on his or her dogs exercise and fitness regimes, what are your personal preferences for getting your running dog fit?

Everybody has their own ways and views, and I know some that don’t really bother building better fitness levels at all and just wait until September and begin running them and that’s it, but personally, I like my dog to be up to a high level of fitness by the time we start our season seriously. :whistling:

I used to jog the lurcher at the side of the push bike, but I now have two running dogs fitness levels to concentrate on for the forthcoming season and along with my hunting partners, who also have a few dogs on each, we now run them behind the motor, down a single quiet road at roughly 10mph, for 3 miles to start with, we then begin increasing the distance we jog them for once the dogs have begun to adjust again, we are now doing 4.5 miles- There not on leads just free running behind the motor. We do this 4/5 times a week and then on the nights off from roadwork we start lamping them on rabbits to improve sharpness and general running performance.

I have already noticed a massive difference in the dog’s fitness and the summer fat is already shredding off.

Does anybody else do this? How fast do you go, what distances do you do?

Is anybody using treadmills? Positives/ negatives? I suppose they would save on diesel costs, especially at the current price a litre! :icon_eek:




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mine get a normal 2-3 mile mooch in the morning...and a 5-6 jog behind the motor on an evening....and thats only because of kids and work committments........otherwise I'd walk em.



If you listen to all the super-dooper proffessional - A1 lurchermen on here.....they'll tell you thier dogs are like granite all year round........... which to me is a totally pointless excercise.......

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Mine get walked 3-5 miles everyday,but when you take into account that they will flush and chase the odd bunny and generally run about like headless chickens,they'll be covering 2 or 3 times the distance i walk. Id have to drive 5 miles to find a quiet road so running them behind a motor is out of the question.

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Mine get roaded on county roads (like gravel farm tracks) start of walking them on leash for about three miles to get the pads tough, then road them outta the truck for five miles at about 7mph...once they have had that for two odd weeks, we bump it up...buy the time we are in full swing, they are out real regular, and we will road them three times a week...about 23 miles a night at 10mph....gets them in great shape...plus they get fed twice a day on flesh and veg etc, plus rub downs and such...its the heat/humidty that we have to be carefull with here...the saluki kill go forever, in whatever heat, but the Stags, they will kill themselves...we have to be careful as the game is prolific in our area, and so we usualy get two or three head just roading the dogs....we run them at night to try and avoid the heat, and put flashing collars on the dogs...different colours for different dogs, which helps.



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1 Hour free running 5 nights a week for 2 weeks then just start lamping,Make sure nails are trimmed.Would feel that any roadwork over 3 miles would make a dog to muscle bound.1 nights lamping a week and a evening free running should keep them fit.


What do you mean by muscle bound? Build up of too much muscle that isn't necessarily? That may cause problems such as cramp etc after a few runs on the lamp or daytime? Have you encountered problems like this before?



Looking good messer :victory:


Getting them fit and waiting for your invite, for me to come "track" all the fallow etc you messers have down there... :whistling::tongue2:

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