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Good night out:)

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Hi I had a good night out tonight not perfect was a bit light even though it was overcast was out

with my 10/22 had half a dozen bunnies then to the small field with sheep and we saw a strange

thing all the sheep were off to our right as we went through the gate then we spotted a lone sheep

off to the left about 75 yards away from the rest and about 6 feet or so to the left of that was a set

of eyes low down we first thought it was a lamb so we moved towards it lamped it twice more and it

was a fox laying down it looked like it was guarding the sheep so we moved closer lamp on again and it

had moved to the right of the sheep staring at us it was only 50 yards away at this point so I aimed

fired and down he went when we got there you could tell it was a lung shot he was struggling to breath

so one in the head job done

has anyone else seen this sort of thing with a fox as iv never come across it before any comment and

ideas would be good thanks





Edited by arcpest
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: Seems strange, doesn't it? Unless the ewe was about to lamb, I can't see what business he'd have with her. But I thought the lambs had about finished by now? Ye don't mention any other lambs in the field, so .....


I wonder what she was doing away from the flock? Only today I saw footage of some wolves breaking into a sheep pen and helping themselves to the sheep. Those wooley backs certainly bunched up close ~ and then watched as, one by one, their mates were snatched away to be prematurely slaughtered. (Then the LGD's turned up and things went somewhat to rat shit for the wolves, actually).


Wasn't a collie in foxes clothing, was it? ;)

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Guest JohnGalway

Plenty still lambing here, depends on the area and when the grass starts growing. Fox could have been doing many things, working out which lamb to nick, watching you or a mouse or something, simply taking a break. Saw a git in my own place doing much the same thing, no luck though as I had only an LED light for checking a snare.

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:icon_eek: Seems strange, doesn't it? Unless the ewe was about to lamb, I can't see what business he'd have with her. But I thought the lambs had about finished by now? Ye don't mention any other lambs in the field, so .....


I wonder what she was doing away from the flock? Only today I saw footage of some wolves breaking into a sheep pen and helping themselves to the sheep. Those wooley backs certainly bunched up close ~ and then watched as, one by one, their mates were snatched away to be prematurely slaughtered. (Then the LGD's turned up and things went somewhat to rat shit for the wolves, actually).


Wasn't a collie in foxes clothing, was it? ;)



he is running late with lambing this year but he said they should be dropping any day now so maybe he was waiting for an easy meal :thumbdown: except all he had last night was a bit too much lead in his diet :victory:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:good: Explains everything then, doesn't it? She'll have been hanging around waiting to drop and he'll have been hanging around waiting to ..... er ... well; Eat earthworms :whistling:


What a blinding bit of luck that you showed up right then, eh? That ewe must've thought her own personal guardian angel had appeared! :clapper:

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What a blinding bit of luck that you showed up right then, eh? That ewe must've thought her own personal guardian angel had appeared! :clapper:



Spoke to the owner and this particular fox has had the head of one lamb already and keeps taunting him when he goes and checks his sheep late at night he takes his shot gun and shines the lamp on him the fox just stairs at him and stays out of range so he was chuffed to bits to see the dead fox this morning and informed me his wife has given my card to the stables to sort there moles out :victory: and he said he will give me and my shooting buddy some lamb at the end of the month mmmm

her own personal guardian angel :tongue2: we try to look after our flock :gunsmilie:



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Hi I had a good night out tonight not perfect was a bit light even though it was overcast was out

with my 10/22 had half a dozen bunnies then to the small field with sheep and we saw a strange

thing all the sheep were off to our right as we went through the gate then we spotted a lone sheep

off to the left about 75 yards away from the rest and about 6 feet or so to the left of that was a set

of eyes low down we first thought it was a lamb so we moved towards it lamped it twice more and it

was a fox laying down it looked like it was guarding the sheep so we moved closer lamp on again and it

had moved to the right of the sheep staring at us it was only 50 yards away at this point so I aimed

fired and down he went when we got there you could tell it was a lung shot he was struggling to breath

so one in the head job done

has anyone else seen this sort of thing with a fox as iv never come across it before any comment and

ideas would be good thanks





weell done that man.a fox will wait for lambs to be born they are drawn to the ewes by the first signs of blood and the start of the sac emerging[i think thats the term john galway will correct me]they will also take the after birth before they take a lamb maybe thats what your man was doing any way good work.

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Guest JohnGalway
weell done that man.a fox will wait for lambs to be born they are drawn to the ewes by the first signs of blood and the start of the sac emerging[i think thats the term john galway will correct me]they will also take the after birth before they take a lamb maybe thats what your man was doing any way good work.


It's some type of membrane, can't think of the name top of my head but I know what you mean G. We notice here the foxes follow the sheep. Whent he ewes are out in the hill so are the foxes most likely, when they're brought down tot he fields to lamb, guess who follows...

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Last year me and my mate were on our way to do a spot of fishing when we noticed a fox in a field with sheep. It was only 8pm lovely summer night the odd thing though was this fox was rolling about then getting to his feet and walking witha limp . Now the sheep were`nt even bothered by the fox more like they were hypnotized by it . The fox did this for 20 minutes same thing rolling about then hobbling away. After a while the sheep started to move closer to the fox and it was as if the fox was taking them from one part of the field to another . About a quarter of a hour later the sheep had literally followed the fox from one end of the field to the other . It was then i realised that on the other side of the hedge was another fox sneaking up the rear . Bloody fox was like the pied piper he had the group split into a smaller one and the other fox was getting closer and closer . Now the fox and the sheep dissapeared into a hollow and out of view so could`nt see what was going on but that was the first time i have ever witnessed that happen. Regards FV :victory:

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Last year me and my mate were on our way to do a spot of fishing when we noticed a fox in a field with sheep. It was only 8pm lovely summer night the odd thing though was this fox was rolling about then getting to his feet and walking witha limp . Now the sheep were`nt even bothered by the fox more like they were hypnotized by it . The fox did this for 20 minutes same thing rolling about then hobbling away. After a while the sheep started to move closer to the fox and it was as if the fox was taking them from one part of the field to another . About a quarter of a hour later the sheep had literally followed the fox from one end of the field to the other . It was then i realised that on the other side of the hedge was another fox sneaking up the rear . Bloody fox was like the pied piper he had the group split into a smaller one and the other fox was getting closer and closer . Now the fox and the sheep dissapeared into a hollow and out of view so could`nt see what was going on but that was the first time i have ever witnessed that happen. Regards FV :victory:




interesting i will get the farmer to keep an eye open and if he sees anything close to that he can ring me and ill pop that one too :gunsmilie:



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