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fox control or not ?

Guest friedrice

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Why should the Dog have to die? Did it walk out of its kennel. Fire up a 4x4. Drive out into the countryside. Shine a lamp where it had no business doing so. Then shout, " Gwaaaaarrn! " and release itself at those cattle ~ probably just to see if it could manage one. Give itself bragging rights?


If so; Perhaps it does deserve a round.

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Guest JohnGalway

Have had dogs kill our sheep. It's never the dogs fault, just the witless pricks of owners. In this instance it seems some owners are solely pricks. Those type of people, no matter what method of hunting they do don't do any favours for anyone, they're greedy c**ts :yes: Not saying I'm whiter than white but I do my own bit on my own patch and respect others.

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Last night a farmer, customer, and friend of mine, saw a lamp being swung across his fields, this happens on a regular basis, but being one man and probally up against a car load there is not a lot he can do. On this occasion he heard his cattle making a fair din and took a torch to see what was going on. Now this man has a small dairy farm, for the last 7 years he has milked morning and night and driven for a haulage firm by day, just to make ends meet and to keep farming, he has always backed field sports, been on every march and has done a lot for hunting over the years, imagine the shock and horror he felt when he shone his torch on his cattle to see a bull terrier/lurcher swinging off the throat of one of his pedigree Jersey cattle, his bull was going mental and he risked life and limb to get the dog off, in the meantime the lamp came back on to view what was happening, the dog f****d off and so did they. My friend has four cattle that have had to be stitched up, not sure if one of them will survive, and a hell of a vet bill,what do we say, "it's fox control, these things happen, can't be helped, we've got to stick by our fellow field sports enthusiasts", or do we call them the biggest shower of shits that ever was. And to all you people who moan about not getting permission thank people like this bunch of c***s, your brothers in arms!
you cant tar every body with the same brush look at some of the twats we got running the country it takes all sorts .yes i agree with you they are proper c//ts and as far as permision goes it is mainly down to \\ITS MY LAND AND IM NOT SHARING IT WITH ANY BODY ATITUDE//i hope the farmer gets to shoot there dog .

The thing is mate, you do get tarred with the same brush, and you can well imagine what his reply is going to be nextime if anyone does bother to ask him first. This is going back to the original post, you cannot condone shooting willy nilly off a road just as you cannot condone what has happened to this chap. He tells me it was actually the bull that knocked the dog off and then with him shouting the dog beggared off, it was then touch and go that he got out of the field in one piece as the bull then turned on him, they could'nt get back in the same field and it was'nt untill this morning that they could see the damage, apparently one of the cows had just about had it's udder torn off, you could not meet a more honest, hardworking chap and it must be heartbreaking for him.

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Guest dog on
Why should the Dog have to die? Did it walk out of its kennel. Fire up a 4x4. Drive out into the countryside. Shine a lamp where it had no business doing so. Then shout, " Gwaaaaarrn! " and release itself at those cattle ~ probably just to see if it could manage one. Give itself bragging rights?


If so; Perhaps it does deserve a round.

i fully agre with what you say but the dog now thinks cows are fair game and will do so again that is my point
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Very good and fair point too. Only it'll again take some knuckle dragging neanderthal with a blood lust fueled hard on to take that Dog out there and slip him where there are cattle.


I guess one can only hope for a telegraph poles intervention. The pool could use a clean out.

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if the dog gets "out of owners control" (i.e. off lead) it is 1000% more likely to think that cattle are now fair game. Is it fair for the dog to die? No. But is it fair for a farmer barely (if at all) eeeking by, to have to have his cattle gone off PLUS vet bills? HELL NO.


Ditch you know I did a lot of rescue over the years and felt I could rehab and "fix" all sorts of issues, that it was the people who caused the dogs problem. But after taking on dogs who turned out to be biters (you should see the scar on my face), stock worriers and worse, I have a much different opinion of things now. There are enough good dogs out there without problems that need homes to waste my time trying to fix issues that idiot people caused. Not that my opinion is right, but it is just my opinion.


I happen to have a dog who I love dearly, he is a bit "on edge" and I made the choice to keep him for personal reasons, knowing if something new "goes off" then it is 100% my fault.


I guess living near farmers who WILL shoot my dogs for even running alongside a field where they keep some cattle has also made me rethink things. They have that attitude due to other dogs who have gotten in and worried their cattle. Our dogs are 100% with them, but try telling an angry farmer that.

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Guest friedrice
SportingShooter; I've been there, mate. Is there Anything more f*cking scary than having that beam coming across ye ground, knowing there's god knows who, with a high powered rifle, behind it?! :icon_eek:


If so, I Don't want to experience That level of scared! :no:


I too whole heartedly agree with the gist of 'Rices sentiments: Shoot them, by all means. But do so on ye own ground and for a reason - if only bounty hunting. Otherwise, what is it but plain and simple blood lust? What will they turn their 'scopes on when the foxes are all gone?

yes ditch you are right, thesporting shooter.

every month articles on fox killing . i think the editer must have got bit on the balls by a fox when he was young.

he hates them.

most shooters ive talked to have no respect for fox at all, a live target thats all it is to them .

two shooter's near me have got £100 bet on who can get the most, make me sick does that

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

HW; I prefer to keep my own Dog business to myself. Experience has taught me that the best way to allow that situation to flourish is the strict observation of Personal Responsibility on all levels.


I live in the heart of cattle country. I have Dogs. I ensure shit Doesn't happen and everyone is at peace here.


To suggest a Dog should be shot 'In Case' is to presuppose that No One is capable of controlling a Dog disposed to wreak havoc. I beg to differ.

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maybe its just me, but every where i go near my place, the dogs keep finding shot foxes.

all shot with rifles by the looks of it.

no fox problems at all near here, and that i know, as all the local farmers are friends of mine and im the first to know of any problem

and at this time of year more so.

it looks to me as if fox control have gone well past the control bit. with moreboys into rifles thesedays the ever. but what upsets me most is the men

who drive the remote roads with guns , shoot any fox they see without any permission at all.


look at some of the articles in the shooting mags ,and fox are the number one target at the mo. in no way am i against fox shooting,but shoot for

a reason ,and not how many you can get ,more than your mates.

another thing i found is most of the shooters have or had fox dogs, couldent been very good at it by the looks of things as most shot before the ban

and at the time when they had dogs.

a game for wankers without a dought :yes:

we jokeingly call them paedos, (but we really, really do not like them!)

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Last night a farmer, customer, and friend of mine, saw a lamp being swung across his fields, this happens on a regular basis, but being one man and probally up against a car load there is not a lot he can do. On this occasion he heard his cattle making a fair din and took a torch to see what was going on. Now this man has a small dairy farm, for the last 7 years he has milked morning and night and driven for a haulage firm by day, just to make ends meet and to keep farming, he has always backed field sports, been on every march and has done a lot for hunting over the years, imagine the shock and horror he felt when he shone his torch on his cattle to see a bull terrier/lurcher swinging off the throat of one of his pedigree Jersey cattle, his bull was going mental and he risked life and limb to get the dog off, in the meantime the lamp came back on to view what was happening, the dog f****d off and so did they. My friend has four cattle that have had to be stitched up, not sure if one of them will survive, and a hell of a vet bill,what do we say, "it's fox control, these things happen, can't be helped, we've got to stick by our fellow field sports enthusiasts", or do we call them the biggest shower of shits that ever was. And to all you people who moan about not getting permission thank people like this bunch of c***s, your brothers in arms!
are you telling me, that a bull x, was that commited to taking a cow was scared/called off, with out choking it off!? id say 99% of the dogs ive seen, "connected" to quarry need to be choked off! you sound more of a shooter than a dog man?
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Last night a farmer, customer, and friend of mine, saw a lamp being swung across his fields, this happens on a regular basis, but being one man and probally up against a car load there is not a lot he can do. On this occasion he heard his cattle making a fair din and took a torch to see what was going on. Now this man has a small dairy farm, for the last 7 years he has milked morning and night and driven for a haulage firm by day, just to make ends meet and to keep farming, he has always backed field sports, been on every march and has done a lot for hunting over the years, imagine the shock and horror he felt when he shone his torch on his cattle to see a bull terrier/lurcher swinging off the throat of one of his pedigree Jersey cattle, his bull was going mental and he risked life and limb to get the dog off, in the meantime the lamp came back on to view what was happening, the dog f****d off and so did they. My friend has four cattle that have had to be stitched up, not sure if one of them will survive, and a hell of a vet bill,what do we say, "it's fox control, these things happen, can't be helped, we've got to stick by our fellow field sports enthusiasts", or do we call them the biggest shower of shits that ever was. And to all you people who moan about not getting permission thank people like this bunch of c***s, your brothers in arms!
are you telling me, that a bull x, was that commited to taking a cow was scared/called off, with out choking it off!? id say 99% of the dogs ive seen, "connected" to quarry need to be choked off! you sound more of a shooter than a dog man?

If you'd bothered to read my other post you will see that I said "the bull knocked it off", furthermore I currently have two english bull terriers, and a lab. Over the years I have looked after a lot of working dogs, terriers, lurchers, foxhounds, beagles, even bassets, and had a staffy before the english, don't judge a book by the cover my friend.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I know that. love. I have a confirmed 'stock killer here with me. I refused to bring out my rifle. Dog's now no harm to anyone and is even calming down around 'stock. Never to be cured, obviously. But an ever lessening threat.


My neighbours have my own strict instructions though; If they ever meet this one without me attached? Shoot to kill.


Anyway, we're drifting off the core subject here. I have a question for ye. Expect PM ;)

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