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info needed,roe stalking, best time to go in scotland??????

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i am off roe stalking (hopefully!!!) up around perth and can go in the summer (july, aug,sept time)can anyone give me a bit of guidence as to when might be a good time to go, i believe they rut around then (twice!!???!) can anyone suggest what month and week to go,as i dont want to go after the rut, any help would be much appreciated.

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The rut can be early to mid july or last week july first week august depends on the mood & there timming that the doe's come into season. Early september can see the faulse rut witch is young bucks going through the motions. To be honest go for 3rd week july you should hit start or finish of rut but you may see deer with no shot's to be had as the rut is full on & cover can be high. May is a great month for Scottish roe as there is big movment on with the big lads being very teritorial.

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thanks v-max, have been up the last couple of years around 3rd week of may with good results, just dont seem to see any of the more mature bucks, just though this year might try a different time of year and might be lucky enough to get a nice roe head to mount, i will ty the 3rd week of july, thanks again for the advice, will put a post up as to how i get on with some pics (if we get any!!!).

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Hello the place you stalk or person taking you should know the ground & bucks on it by May.They should then be able to see what your after & then tell you what is on offer or bits that produce good bucks. I have a bit to whatch as every june/july build up to the rut i get monsters on the rake that i dont see earlyer on or on the odd occations but july etc there regular visitors.Iv had friends up for a stalk & showed them a variety of beasts from young to old & medal class beasts as i know whos what & where with the odd unseen/new face to asses for culling or not.

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