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what is the best bred of a lurcher for ferreting

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collie crosses are the best especaily if they have top class racing grew or greyhound and are line bred , ive got whippet greyhound who ferrets two saluki crosses that ferret all dogs ive had get a bit of ferreting and the ones who turn out good well get to go, the most ,ive never bred a dog for ferreting and never will ,i cant see the piont of keeping rabbit dogs were a cleverly bred dog that does a bit of evrything opens your options , stay away from small dogs get something about 23 to 25 if bred right and keen theyll catch whats on offer got dogs that can ferret kil a roe kill hare , and catch a fox when it was all legal , ive saw small dogs tiol on big land on winter wheat were the rabbits realy run and over rough ground all in all for the british country side a balanced dog at 24 to 26 will be a better all round dog for you than one that can only catch a rabbit, its up to you we are all diffrent but a lurcher should be good at most things but master of none

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If the dog is to be used purely for ferreting i'd say the smaller the better i.e. Whippet or Whippet x.I use one of these and she's bang on at the ferreting game. :thumbs:







what bred it is this dog mate


She's BeddiexWhippet mate. :thumbs:

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ive got grews they dont last long on shitty land,try ferreting in wooded areas rough scree on hill sfdes in freezing temp or hard frosts all winter were is the thin skinned dogs then ,the best ferreting dog ive had were grew collie types and a beardie x bitch got to the nlrc rabbiting final with it and caught over 3500 rabbs a few hares roe foxes with her , a real clever ferreting dog , all depends what work and how much work you are gone to do all the best

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if you ever see the real deal ferreting dog you will know theres more to it than just standing next to the holes and running what comes out, the only ones that i've seen that are class have all been collie types.

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if you ever see the real deal ferreting dog you will know theres more to it than just standing next to the holes and running what comes out, the only ones that i've seen that are class have all been collie types.


:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: ............

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