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Playing with bridle rigging

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Yeah so I I actually enjoy catching these salt water catfish out here . They fight good there everywhere and they usually don't take too long to bite. Problem is they swallow gooks like crazy. Don't matter while sice or make ..circle hooks are actually the worst , kale hooks are the best so far. But especially these gaftops catfish . 

So decided to play around with some stuff and I've been. Trying out bridle rigging my bait . Basically the same concept of hair rigging just a tad bit different. Bit less hassle too imo with it need to have the lil bat holder stop deals which I never remember to buy.

Make my bridles our of some 30lbs braid just a few inches and an oversized and a over hand to make a loop


Upholstery needle 



Hook tough both loops , twist , under the twist twist again under that twist and boom


And so far 


What I've been getting Everytime 


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