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16 hours ago, Curious123 said:

Ficam D - is this toxic to humans after its been sprayed? If you handle residue for example 

As far as l'm aware it has " Low mammalian toxicity" and is cleared from the body quite quickly. It's  not good news  at all for anything cold blooded. It has a residual effect in clean situations but exposure to damp and dirt renders it inert after a while .

Think of it as decent quality old fashioned ant powder like the stuff your Mum or Gran could buy off the shelf in Co op forty years ago. In fact they probably really were buying Ficam !

It's mosly chalk dust with a weeny bit of active ingredient. That doesn't  mean you should sniff it or lick it with impunity. Wear gloves ,avoid breathing and wash if it gets on you.

A few unlucky people have had medical problems or reactions so it's  a case of being sensible . 

When you think that it has been in use for forty odd years,  and when there was a thriving Scandanavian fur farming industry it was used to control fleas on valuable animals , it should say something about its safety record.

Edited by comanche
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