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Ending the Season on a high note

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Yesterday l was offered an unexpected opportunity to spend an afternoon shooting along the private banks of a river .

It was a great offer  and as l knew it is unlikely to be repeated l was eager to take it up. 

 With no time to buy cartridges l was  glad that at home l had half a pocket full  left from the last time l used the 12 bore.   The "good thing" was that the shells were bismuth ; thus ducks could shot.

The "bad thing" was   that my shotgun had been dormant in the cabinet for about three years and l didn't exactly excel myself with it before that .

Thus my chances of actually  hitting anything seemed slim.

So when a duck rose from the reeds l  surprised myself by hitting it with  my first shot of the day .


I almost  considered quitting while ahead and heading back to thank my host for a great afternoon , but there  was still half a mile of river bank  to explore .

I'm glad l carried- on. The next excitement came from a teal. A total miss with  the first barrel was compensated for by the second shot . Though it did fall in the river.


 I then returned to my usual form  and missed a couple of things ;each  with both barrels  , four  cartridges gone.  Reloading the gun left me with just one shell in my pocket. 

It didn't  seem to matter though as the next few hundred yards of reed beds weren't  giving much away.  

Then as l neared the boundary of my permission a  pheasant clattered up  and  took me by such surprise that l didn't  have time to miscalculated things like forward lead or worry about my bad posture  or technical stuff or the fact that l didn't have ammunition to waste.  Hence l hit it!

As l wandered back  l  dropped a mallard  from a bunch that came  over low just as the Sun started to fall . 

It made a Grand Finale  to  the afternoon.  I still had one cartridge left but it stayed in my pocket. 

Ending on a high note seemed a good idea. 



Edited by comanche
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