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BARF suppliers in Hampshire and freezer advice

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Although I've been feeding my dogs a BARF diet for over twenty years I've only done so on a "short term" scale. By this I mean, in the early days using fresh stuff like chicken wings etc and buying for a couple of days at a time, but then buying prepacked blocks of c 400g from Natures Menu etc and "bulk buying" a week at a time. The amount has been limited as I've only been able to use the bottom drawer of the family freezer. Recently we've had a clear-out in the garden room and made space for a freezer purely for dog food. However, I don't want to go ahead and buy a particular freezer of, for example, 65 litres, only to find that bulk suppliers provide amounts greater than the size of my freezer as their minimum order.

So, my question is twofold:

1) can anybody recommend suppliers for South Hampshire?

2) which size and type of freezer should I get? The footprint would need to be a maximum of 24" X 24" (that's 60cm X 60cm in new money). I'd intended to get a chest frezer but I'm wondering if one with drawers would make the food easier to access; don't fancy the idea of landing in it head first with my pinkies waving in the air while trying to locate the last block of tripe, minced rabbit or chicken carcase!

Many thanks in advance.

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I have a little chest freezer in the shed and its a pain sometimes having to lift stuff out to get the bits underneath etc but you can move it all around like tetris and get a lot more in than you can drawers. I've had drawers stuck in the past when a frozen bunny has moved and wedged its claws in the draw above.

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I've had a look on the TPMS website but can't find a pricelist other than a very fuzzy document which I think says something like "see price sheet" after each item, but it must be cheaper than the other sites I've found. Most are more expensive than the individual 400g packs I'm buying already. Ironically, when we go on holiday to Datmoor I get a different brand called Farmer's Dog which is only £1.09 per 400g (my usual is £1.39 per 400g) but on their website it's more expensive, even if I bulk buy. Ridiculous!

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