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Looking For A Decent Gutting Knife

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Will be used mainly to gut/skin rabbits and take the breast meat off pidgeon.


I was hoping for something that holds a nice edge, i have had knives before that lose an edge so fast i just as well taken a spoon to do the job!


One that cost around £30 would be great allthough if it cost up to £50 it wouldn't be bank breaking?


Any suggestions would be great

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Why spend so much,,, best knife for gutting rabbits,, is a craft knife,,with the snap off blades,,, you can pick them up for as little as £1,,, or for slightly better quality,, a few quid from b and a,,,or a stanly type knife they also work very well.


There are some types of stanlys that operate like a lock knife.


If you prefer a proper knife,,, frosts mora clipper £10 approx on line,,, or an opinal for around the same price,,, the opinal is a lock knife,, where as the clipper is a fixed blade

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love my Helle knives, however they're a little expensive new. You may find one 2nd hand for about £30-50 and they're really good knives.


However, if you want to start off first with a cheaper knife to get started, Opinel are great. (As already mentioned)

They come in different lengths and in an array of wooden handles.

The lock feature is pretty cool too and they're small enough to carry in your pocket, as to a fixed blade.

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