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Guest Frank

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Hope it gets turned over.


BUT right now don't think conservatives could win an election. EVEN though historically we are at the highest level of taxation EVER. With Feck All to show for it.


Labour get another term and you can get rid of your pounds and pence and say hello to the Euro.


The only up side is that with everything else going tits up the police will be too busy to watch whats going on in the fields.


:clapper::clapper: Bang On. Browns the new boy on the Block but what people need to remember is he is still Labour and still has the same Values. at the moment he's sitting pretty with his whiter than white Image but this is expected from a new man taking over the running of the country! the trouble is people are falling for it already and taking in all his Hype like they did when Blair took the helm, Browns true colours will apear when he gets voted in for another 5 years and then we'll see!! at the momet he's treading carefully not to ruffle any feathers of the electorate. I hope I'm wrong but there is far to many people in this country with short memories who'll be ticking the Labour box again in the election, Lambs to the slaughter.....


My neighbour was Pro Labour and not so long ago he was moaning to me about the state of the Immigration situation! I said to him "You voted them in mate" and what could he say, he just changed the subject.....

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not a snowball in hells chance of any party shooting themselves in the foot by promising to over turn the ban.


well they already committed themselfs to repeal the ban on hunting with dogs


they got more pro hunting mps than any other party

they also just won the west wales seat it is simon hart of the CA :feck:

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not a snowball in hells chance of any party shooting themselves in the foot by promising to over turn the ban.


well they already committed themselfs to repeal the ban on hunting with dogs


they got more pro hunting mps than any other party

they also just won the west wales seat it is simon hart of the CA :feck:


:D Well thats good to know...


I am very ignorant to politics and raely vote but if thats the cass they will get mine and my other halfs..


Our local MP is a tosser and was well up for tail docking ect and has held is seat as long as i can rember for beening a kid..

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Guest curtislj

My local MP is a great supporter to my hunt and comes out mounted and on foot regularly. He has said that they are committed to repeal and it will be one of the 1st things in if the tories regain power.


I think we must be positive and keep pushing as much as we can. If we dont remain positve we might as well give up now, but thats not what FS people are about. Even in the state that we're in, we have still managed to work :angel::whistling: with what we've got left and keep going.


If I didnt think it was it still worth the fight, I would have given up this job along time ago :victory:

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Guest The Big Fish

Well, i emailed mr Cameron with the question that if he was elected, what would he do about the hunting ban.


To my suprise, i got a reply, stating that he would put it to a free vote. Not quite the repeal that we were promised eh!


Dont hold your breath....

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Guest curtislj
Well, i emailed mr Cameron with the question that if he was elected, what would he do about the hunting ban.


To my suprise, i got a reply, stating that he would put it to a free vote. Not quite the repeal that we were promised eh!


Dont hold your breath....

Thats the whole point!!! It has to be repealed so it can be put to free vote. Then it will just keep going round the houses as it has done for god knows how many years.


It was BAD law when it was forced through under the parliament act, and this is what has to be shown. ALL MPs should be able to vote on it in whatever way they want.It was 700hrs of wasted parliament time before, I dont think that will be allowed again.

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First of all, I'm indebted to all the Masters and huntsmen who have the balls to still turn out every week and continue to rub the noses of this government in the hounds shite, because without that kind of stirring attitude, I can't continue to turnout...no hound meets and I might as well do a Rip Van Winkle, so thanks for keeping going.

I live in hope of a repeal...but only in hope. Out for a lamp now with Baldie.

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