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This should probably be in the Wildlife section but thought i might get a better response here as its bird related......i had a bit of a creepy experience earlier that i was wondering if any of you bird folk could throw some light on....


You know how in your own garden you get an eye for whats normal and whats not.....well ive got some big old trees at the back of my house and this morning when i looked up i could see something in a tree about halfway up that just didnt look right so upon investigation i discovered it to be a Heron !!......creeping up to it as quietly as possible it dawned on me that it wasnt moving at all :blink: .......being petrified of heights i was tempted to just leave it and pretend i never saw it but it kept f****n with my conscience so went and got a ladder and 5 minutes later im dodging about up a tree... and its still not moving !......im now 20 feet away and can see its chest moving so its definately alive but it was almost as though it was rooted to the spot staring into space........not really knowing what to do or how the law stands i thought bollocks to it and risked life and limb getting it down....its now in my arms and still not moving an inch and felt rigid in its body.....back down on the ground i now put it on the floor and i shit you not....the thing gradually came back to life :icon_eek: ......slightly unsteady it took a few steps away from me before flying off out of eyesight.................now please please can someone tell me what the f**k all that might of been about ?.....some sort of seizure is all i can put it down to ?

This should probably be in the Wildlife section but thought i might get a better response here as its bird related......i had a bit of a creepy experience earlier that i was wondering if any of you bird folk could throw some light on....


You know how in your own garden you get an eye for whats normal and whats not.....well ive got some big old trees at the back of my house and this morning when i looked up i could see something in a tree about halfway up that just didnt look right so upon investigation i discovered it to be a Heron !!......creeping up to it as quietly as possible it dawned on me that it wasnt moving at all :blink: .......being petrified of heights i was tempted to just leave it and pretend i never saw it but it kept f****n with my conscience so went and got a ladder and 5 minutes later im dodging about up a tree... and its still not moving !......im now 20 feet away and can see its chest moving so its definately alive but it was almost as though it was rooted to the spot staring into space........not really knowing what to do or how the law stands i thought bollocks to it and risked life and limb getting it down....its now in my arms and still not moving an inch and felt rigid in its body.....back down on the ground i now put it on the floor and i shit you not....the thing gradually came back to life :icon_eek: ......slightly unsteady it took a few steps away from me before flying off out of eyesight.................now please please can someone tell me what the f**k all that might of been about ?.....some sort of seizure is all i can put it down to ?



Seen one fly in to a tree once......could see it tried to land on a branch and it's wings clipped another branch and boom.......down like Bambi on ice

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