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Kits Eyes Opened ?

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my 8 kits eyes have still not opened 4 weeks 2 days, but everytime food is put in the cage , its very clear to see the strongest from the weakest . the 2 mother jills drag them back, but they still keep going back to the food, they just dont give up, theres 2 of the strongest i would say then 2 of medium quality and 4 normal kits, but fair play to the mum shes done a cracking job, anyones kits eyes opened yet at 4 weeks 2 days ? , i read a thread the other day someones kits eyes were starting to open at this period, hopfully in the next day or 2 theyr eyes will start to open, good luck to, the mum then keeping them away from the food ect ect lol 8 at once, what a job, no wonder the jills go so thin. they take it right out of them !

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they shouldn't be going thin mate ,...........mine look very healthy with a big sack of milk on them....I feed meat at night and some mornings ,..now the kits are big the jills need a lot of food source to milk the kits........mine always get something morning and night ,........if I see a bit of meat left I just give them milk with egg......and usually all gone before next feed.......a for there eyes opening ,.nature will dictate that ,.mine are the same trying to get at food with there eyes shut until mother drags them back......

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Aye if the jills going thin pump more grub in shes using what reserves shes got to feed the kits , If there for weeks old they should be managing to eat meat themselves . Mine at that age are on two rabbits a day one morning and one at night

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I've been feeding mine 3 times a day + rabbits my first litter all gone but for 1 hob next lot in two weeks thank god lol

Don't worry about eyes foxtail you'll not notice when they do one min closed turn round they open little git,s atb mark

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4 weeks 4 days theyr eyes are still shut but all managing to get around the cage alright for food ect, a few people told me to give the mum milk, goats milk and soya milk i was told, its going straight through them, iv given them milk for the past couple of weeks, no wonder the 2 jills are loosing weight. i add egg to it ect, but when they shit, its like an explosion up the side of the cage, i feed twice a day, morning and night, but if i notice the food is all gone half way through the day i top it up, anymore tips ?

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