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Air rifles delivered

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I'm trying to gather suppliers details so that I can search for the best prices and options. I have been given a couple of names already, I would rather that the supplier deliver my chosen air rifle to Dorset, but I may travel if not too far. Pellpax is one name that springs to mind as they offer this face to face service, also Bond Gun Accessories who are about 45min drive from where I am (which is about the limit that I am prepared to travel).


Does anyone have good reliable suppliers that will deliver face to face. I would be really grateful if you could share your experiences with such companies.



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There is another one in Suffolk, the problem is you pay for this service and pay heavily, also if the gun goes wrong you have to send it back to them, they do not come back to you. So you pay through the nose, then if anything goes wrong left in the lurch.


Buster321c will back me up on this, if you are only 45 minutes from Bond, for crying out loud, put the fuel in the car and bleeding well go there.


Last year we bought 2 rifles and 2 300 bar 3 litre tanks from a man in Oxford. He had them delivered from Pellpax, we saw the receipts (we did not get them as they had his card details on), the prices were very high, so high if he had put the petrol in his car and gone to a gun shop he could have saved at least 40%! Pellpax are fairly local to us, but we do not use them!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Most RFD Dealers will recieve a Gun on behalf of a shooter - Normally charge around £25.00 registration fee


But well worth discussing if local Dealer can get for price the Gun You want


All Warrenty work has to go back via Suppling Dealer


And most gun's have warrent issues


So even if a good dealer is a Distance away got to be better than a courier Service

Which in most Cases do not cover damaged / Loss etc



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My vote goes to Julian at Bond Guns, honest, trustworthy, genuine, straightforward guy. If you have a need for anything to do with Air Arm guns then he would be my first and only port of call, because if he don't know then it ain't worth knowing. If it's a different make and if Julian can't help, then he will probably know who can.

Bond Guns, Bond Guns,

Bond Guns, Bond Guns,

Bond Guns, Bond Guns,

Have you got the idea now who i reccomend.

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