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out for a mooch with the ferret and dog

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i went out for a mooch early this afternoon,i took the ferret along with the dog,,i went upto a place called magor -just this side of the severn bridge in wales,i got into the countryside,,to a few fields iv walked the dogs in the past,i never really seen many rabbits the last time i was there,only a few,,,but this time i decided to go up over the fields and have a proper look,,,i saw quite a few rabbits along side a banking,but couldnt work it with the ferret and dog as its too close to the motorway,,so headed further over away from the roads,,,i was surprised to see quite a few rabbits,,the dog marked a set but as i was only going for a mooch i only took 7 nets,,,this set there must of been 30-40 holes,,so netted the bolt holes collard the ferret up,,put her down and waited,,after a few minutes i saw the ferret coming out of an holes in the brambles,,being quite a big set for just one ferret and myself i decided to pull up the nets and box her back up,,i carried on over to a little wood where it was easyier for me to ferret,,the dog was chasing rabbits right left and centre,,iv been struggling to find good rabbiting ground lately so was chuffed to bits,,the dog marked another set,a 7 holer,,a coincidence i had 7 nets,, the first bolt netted a rabbit,,put the net back over the hole,then a second bolt,,,,the ferret was still down an i heard rummbling so knew thee was another rabbit to be had,,the ferret kept coming out ,,i must of put her back down 5 times,,untill the last rabbit finally bolted,,it must of bin a stubbon one? it was getting late by now so thought id try one more set which the dog marked,netted up ect,,put collar back on,,and waited,,and waited,,nothing i got the mk1 box out and all i kept getting was a beep every 2 seconds,no matter what ft it was on,,i thought fxxking great iv only just bought this,,im gonna end up loosing my ferret and the collar,,there were about 15 holes,,id been waiting for an hour,,i thought shall i start digging,,but then thought where to ill be here for a week,,,it was getting late 5-6pm i thought of blocking the holes up and coming back in the morning,,the box still wasnt working,,,(fuming) i packed everything up,,and just then an hour and half later she poped up out of one of the holes in the field,,i took the collar off her boxed her back up,,and put the box over the collar,,,then i noticed the screw on cap on her collar was missing along with the battery,,,it was screwed on properly so HOW COULD THIS OF HAPPENED? anyway it was still a good day i had 3 rabbits after all,,the dog loved it,,,,it got me out an about so quite happy with the result,,,and now iv got some where half decent to rabbit,,

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