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I had the first proper in the feild test run with the cam and home made ir laser last night and it worked a treat i bagged this big boy at around the 30yrd mark clear as day could have had a few kits but left em be. then sat down to watch some badgers for a while before calling it a night im well happy with it so far its still looking abit ghetto but it works a treat.. with all the rain the corn has shot up so im going to be very limited on my permision until the harvest... i cant wait :boogy: besides it gives me plenty of time to tidy the system up .


Edited by kanny
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didnt record the shot it was a unrested standing shot so i had enough on my plate to do but got some good footage of the badgers but until i get the leads ect i need to get it of the camera on to the laptop im stuffed, also didnt think it was a great idea to put footage of the badgers up with the cross hairs it could be taken the wrong way

Edited by kanny
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When you do get the leads and edit the footage, simply put on a statement at the front of the clip that you had no intention of trying to shoot them, you were just filming them :yes: I for one would love to see them crosshairs or not, I've only seen one badger in real life so far. I didn't get chance to observe it properly though as I was doing sixty MPH on my hog at the time.

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When you do get the leads and edit the footage, simply put on a statement at the front of the clip that you had no intention of trying to shoot them, you were just filming them :yes: I for one would love to see them crosshairs or not, I've only seen one badger in real life so far. I didn't get chance to observe it properly though as I was doing sixty MPH on my hog at the time.


thats a good idea i will do that :yes: .... i can see more badgers than rabbits some nights round me and they aint shy either... now the corn is up i only have a two to three foot corridor between the hedgerow and the corn theres plenty of rabbits but its not easy.. i envy these lads with nice short paddocks to shoot

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i envy these lads with nice short paddocks to shoot


Dont envy us :no:


The Paddock I have has a road on three sides and has a lot of streetlights. Both Woodworm and I were belly crawling through mud and horse pucky last friday, his wife wouldn't have been too chuffed getting into her car on Saturday morning to go shopping :bad:



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nice hunting there mate, tell more about night vision how it works.


im using a sony handycam hdr-hc3 with a 300mw 808nm ir laser unit of ebay what ive built into a old maglite torch i can focus the laser or have it in a wide beam i filmed theses ducks a few days ago this was with full zoom on the scope and about half zoom on the camcorder with the laser about half flood the ducks were round the 100yrd mark the telegraph poles around 150yrd theres some video quality loss due to the fact ive had to record the video from my tv screen using my phone as i haven got the leads yet to do it direct on my laptop...... this link is for the basic laser unit


this is still a work in progress ive done abit more work on it tonight and its looking cosmetically better now





Edited by kanny
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Nice going mate, loving your setup, hopefully get my scopecam set up and field tested in next few weeks once I've made sure I can get the footage from camcorder to pc, no point me building it all if I can't!

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